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In her tightly clenched, white knuckled hands she held a letter.

"Don't open it until I've gone." He'd told her, wiping a tear from her eye. She buried her face into his chest one final time.

"Why'd it have to be you? Out of all of the men in this god forsaken country, why'd they have to draft you? It just isn't fair! We were promised no more wars after the last one, yet here we are, a world war all over again! How many are there going to be?" She mumbled into his juniper green uniform.

"Annalise! I am honored to serve my country while also protecting you. And bite your tongue! No wife of mine is going to talk in that way." Thomas smiled softly at her.

"Fiance" Annalise corrected.

"Not for much longer, Miss. The second I come home we are going to have that big white wedding you've been going on about for months now."

"Oh god, Thomas! What if you never come home?" The tears streamed down her face creating darkened stains on Thomas's uniform.

"Don't talk like that, my love. I'll be home before the summer, just in time to make our wedding an outdoor one, just as you've been dreaming of." The two hugged and kissed a minute longer, and then Annalise was left standing alone, watching the train chug away, wisping the love of her life away with it.

The summer had come and gone, slowly drifting into the fall and Thomas had not come home.

"He has not written me in three weeks! Three full weeks! Oh, Janet what if something happened?" Janet fiddled with her maroon colored hat.

"I don't know, Analise. Thinking that way won't change anything though. You mustn't worry yourself so much! That kind of stress will give you a head full of greys by the time Thomas returns home." Annalise smiled reassuringly at her friend, trying to lighten the mood. She spent the rest of the afternoon with Janet, discussing her friend's new husband and baby and just how drastically her life had changed. Luckily for Janet, her husband had not been drafted into the war, leaving them time to have the summer wedding Annalise so desperately yearned for.

It was in the early hours of the morning, long before anyone had risen, when there was a knock on the door. Annalise rose quickly, pulling on her bathrobe and groggily making her way down the hall. She opened the door and was graciously met by two men, both wearing identical uniforms to the one Thomas had been wearing the day he left.

"No," She begged "No, No, No, No. Please, tell me this isn't happening." The tears surged down her face.

"He was holding this when they found him on the front" The taller, darker haired soldier held out his hand, in it was a small, pocket-sized photo of Annalise, the corners slightly singed. "Ma'am, we are so sorry for your loss. Just know that he died a courageous and brave man." Annalise thanked them and closed the door, sliding down to the floor, sobbing as she did so.

One late afternoon, 3 months after Thomas, Annalise had finally gathered the strength to clean out the attic of her fiance's belongings. There she found the letter that he had handed her that fateful day at the train station. A tear slid down her face as she ripped open the crumpled envelope.

My Dearest Annalise
Do not think of how long it will be until I return home, rather think of the little luxuries we will share when I am back in your arms. Think of the sweet symphony of laughter that will ring through our home once our family begins to unfurl. Our life will be one only heard about in the movies. I promise, my love that not even death itself can keep us apart. I will always find my way back to you. I shall be home before the dove finishes it's love song.

Forever yours,Thomas

Annalise wiped one last tear from her eyes and smiled."You were right, love. You always find your way back to me."

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