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He flung her onto the bed and climbed on top of her as he pinned both of her wrists in one of his hands as he glared down at her

"How could you do this to me?!" he asked her, she didn't answer him but instead tears rolled down her eyes

"I...I didn't mean to lie to you..." Silver said to him but he ripped her clothes off of her slender body

"YOU DIDN'T MEAN TO?"  He asked her, his anger boiling still and she turned her face to the side and avoided looking at him 

"Believe what you want, I'm at your mercy anyway." Silver said to him and he smiled at her but there was anger hidden in his smile, he buried his face in her bare neck as he bite down on her

It all began a year ago 

"もしもし. " (Hello-answering phone) Silver answered her phone as she had just ordered her food, handing the menu back to the waiter

"どこにいるの? " (where are you?) her brother asked her 

"なぜ聞くのですか? あなたがイギリスにいると私に言わないのですか?" (why do you ask? Don't tell me you're in England?) Silver asked her brother 

"空港に着きました。住所を教えてください。あ、太陽もやってきた " (I've just arrived at the airport, tell me your address. Oh, Taiyo also came along too ) her brother said to her and she nodded to the waiter

"太陽?彼女はまだ学校を持っていませんか?そして兄弟、あなたは最悪のタイミングを持っています、私は今レストランにいます。空港からあなたと太陽を迎えに来るのは誰ですか? ( Taiyo? Doesn't she still have school? And brother, you have the worst timing, I am at a restaurant right now. Who will come to pick you and Taiyo up from the airport?) she asked her brother 

"わかった、わかった。 レストランの場所を教えてください、太陽と私はすでにタクシーに乗りました。" (Okay, okay. Tell me where the restaurant is, Taiyo and I had already gotten into a taxi.) Her brother said to her and she sighs

"私はあなたに住所を送ります、私は先に進んであなたの両方の食べ物を注文するべきですか?" ( I will send the address to you, should I go ahead and order both of your food?) Silver asked her brother

"どうぞ、太陽と私は二人とも寝ていたので、まだ何も食べていませんでした。" (Please do, Taiyo and I had not had anything to eat yet because we were both sleeping.) her brother said to her and she shook her head

"私はあなたと太陽にあなたの飛行中に何かを食べるように言いました、しかしあなたは両方とも私に耳を傾けることは決してないので、もちろん、あなたは両方とも空腹です" (I've told you and Taiyo to eat something during your flight but you both never listen to me so of course, you're both hungry) Silver said sarcastically to her brother 

"バイバイ。 私は電話を切っています" (Bye-bye. I'm hanging up) her brother said to her and she could see him rolling his eyes at her, but as she hung up with her brother a server came back toward her.

"I'm so sorry, but can I have a four-people table? I thought that I would be alone but all of a sudden I have two people coming to join me." Silver said and the server smiled

"Right this way." the server said and took her to another section of the restaurant

"You can sit here." the server said to her and thanked her.

"Oh, I've also already made my order at my previous table but can I add more?." Silver said to her and the server took out a pad

"Sure, I will make a note in here to bring the order from your previous table as well." the waiter said to her 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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