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rosepaw beamed as pinestar announced her new name. "rosepaw," he began with a lash of his tail. "you shall hereby be known as rosetail. starclan honors your strength and courage, and may starclan guide your paws on your journey to warriorship."
rosetail couldn't maintain her excitement. pinestar pressed his nose against hers, pride surging through the two.
a grin parted rosetail's lips as her name echoed throughout the clearing. she swiveled her head, searching for bluefur, who was seated beside thrushpelt. rosetail hurried to her friend, pressing her muzzle to her shoulder.
"i'm a warrior now!" rosetail chirped, swiping her tongue across bluefur's ear. "we can hunt together without tawnyspots hounding us." bluefur purred. "finally."
a wave of sadness crowded rosetail. her sister, sweetpaw, would have been made a warrior today. bluefur took notice rosetail's wistful expression. "what's wrong?"
rosetail descended her haunches. "sweetpaw would've been a warrior today." bluefur's gaze clouded with sympathy. "it'll be alright, rosetail. she's proud of you, i'm sure of it."
rosetail hoped bluefur was right.
from the corner of her eye, a bundle of white fur pelted towards her. "rosetail!" the white she-cat hummed, flicking one of rosetail's whiskers with her tail tip. "rosetail, rosetail. your new name is so pretty!" heat rushed to rosetail's face. "thanks, snowfur," she smiled at the she-cat. "where's my brother?"
snowfur whisked her tail towards the warriors den. "in there. he just got back from the dusk patrol." bluefur padded forward, facing her sister. "well, why isn't he out here, for his littermate's warrior ceremony?" she lashed her tail in annoyance.
snowfur looked unfazed. "i just told you why." she retorted, whiskers quivering. rosetail stiffened. were they about to argue?
rosetail shouldered between the two sisters. "hey, it's fine. i know my brother." she flashed a soft glance at bluefur, who's lip was curled back in a snarl. "see? she doesn't care. you get angry over everything. why does it matter to you anyway?" snowfur sneered, hackles elevating.
rosetail's eyes rounded. she had just made it worse. "snowfur, i-"
"go away snowfur." bluefur grunted, pressing against rosetail. "go moon over thistleclaw, we don't want you here."
rosetail felt her throat go dry. snowfur looked hurt. the white she-cat said nothing, then padded to the warriors den, pushing past the brambles that filtered the sun. bluefur turned to rosetail, ears flattened. "sorry about her. ever since her and thistleclaw became mates, she's been a bit.. hot-headed." rosetail giggled. "speaking of mates," she began, "do you have any cat in mind?"
"what do you mean?" bluefur snorted. "like, do you have a crush on anyone?" rosetail flicked her tail towards bluefur's shoulder. "i don't need a mate," she sneered. rosetail sighed, paws constraining her to the earth.
"i'm going hunting." bluefur finally spoke, breaking the awkward silence. rosetail brushed against her flank. "okay, see you later!" bluefur gave her a smile before trotting toward the thicket which led to the outside world.

bluefur treaded along the thunderclan border, the scent of a vole winding through her nose. she tasted the air, riverclan scent markers bathing her tongue. her fur rose along her spine as she wove around trees, making her way towards sunningrocks. she stepped out into the clearing only to be greeted by a dark ginger tom, sprawled out on one of the smooth stones.
lazy riverclan mouse-brain! she thought, claws poking out of their sockets.
"hey, fish-face!" she called to the tom, who had clearly not expected her. "you're on thunderclan territory. leave now, before i rip you to shreds!" the tom stretched his jaws in a wide yawn. he turned to face her, amber eyes glistening against the sun. bluefur immediately recognized the riverclan warrior, oakheart. she had seen him at gatherings, and rosetail would comment on his looks.
"is it really your territory, though?" oakheart purred. bluefur lashed her tail in annoyance. "i don't have time for your games, fish-brain. leave." oakheart stirred, whiskers quivering with interest. "simmer down drypaws. what's a she-cat like you doing out here all alone, anyway? wouldn't want those pretty paws of yours getting dirty, hm?" heat rushed to bluefur's face. was he being serious? bluefur had to admit that the tom was rather handsome, his broad shoulders rippling as he moved.
"you're bluefur, right? i've seen you and your sister at gatherings." oakheart shuffled to his paws, meeting the ground with a graceful leap. he stood a tail-length away from the blue she-cat, eyes wide with interest.
"yes, that is me. but me and you are not allies." bluefur snorted, circling the larger tom. his only response was a soft chuckle and a flick of his ears. he touched the tip of his tail to her shoulder. "i'll leave your territory if you meet me here again tomorrow, at sunset." he hummed. bluefur groaned, flattening her ears. "fine. just, go away before somebody sees you." oakheart grinned. "great! i'll see you then," the tom turned and made his way to the river, slipping into it like an otter. bluefur blushed, he was quite the tomcat.

bluefur clawed at the earth, uncovering her catch from earlier. she held it firmly in her jaws as she pelted through trees back to camp. she winded through the thorn bushes and crawled through the thicket. the air was fresh and crisp, brushing her cheeks as she hurried to the fresh-kill pile. "hey bluefur!" a large golden tabby tom approached her, eyes shining. "nice catch! you're a fine hunter." bluefur beamed at the compliment from the thunderclan deputy. "thank you, sunfall." she noticed the gap under the highrock was empty, scraps of moss littered in front of it. "where's pinestar?" sunfall frowned. "he's been more antsy then usual lately," he gritted his teeth. "as of now, he's with leopardfoot i believe. she's expecting his kits after all, i guess being a father is nerve-wracking." sunfall let out a nervous chuckle, leaving bluefur in awe. "well, i'll see you around. i have to organize patrols for tomorrow." as sunfall took his leave, bluefur made her way to the nursery. she was overwhelmed with joy at the fact that her childhood friend was expecting kits. however, a gray bundle of fur blocked her way. "hey, bluefur!" rosetail purred, eyes sparkling. "you never told me you got back!"
bluefur swallowed. "sorry, rosetail. i'm busy at the moment." she shouldered past her, brushing her tail against her cheek apologetically. she pawed past the bramble entrance to be greeted by a black she-cat curled up in one of the nests, pinestar pressed against her.
"leopardfoot!" bluefur padded over to the dark she-cat, descending to her level. leopardfoot's eyes were soft with joy. "i heard the news," bluefur began, "i'm so happy for you."
leopardfoot purred, shooting a wistful glance at her swollen belly. "thank you." she mewed hoarsely, tracing her tail along her flank. "i'm so nervous," she gazed into bluefur's eyes. "but i'm really excited too. i can't wait to see what they look like." bluefur grinned. "i'm sure they'll look beautiful, just like their parents." she shot a sympathetic gaze at pinestar. "congratulations pinestar." pinestar flashed her a nervous gaze. bluefur nodded and exited the den, dazzled to see rosetail awaiting her arrival. "leopardfoot's having kits?" rosetail's eyes rounded. bluefur's hackles rose. "were you eavesdropping?" rosetail frowned.
"i wanted to know what was more important than keeping you from talking to me." bluefur sighed. "sorry, it's been a long day." she made her way towards the warriors den. "hey, we'll talk tomorrow, alright?" rosetail nodded slowly, dragging her tail closer to her paws. "good." bluefur blinked at her. "see you tomorrow."
rosetail's ears flattened. bluefur was acting strange all of a sudden. had she come across something while hunting? no, she would have told me! rosetail's eyes clouded with misery. right..?

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