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When I woke up the bed was empty. It was winter, the house had been empty for weeks at a time ..... since mumma went back to US for her work and dad got busy in Punjab due to a new project, so I was sure Sunny wasn't out in the living room.

He woke me up on those rare occasions to let me know; he hated waking up to an empty bed and he didn't want to make me feel that way. Sitting up and stretching, I glance around the room, a soft smile growing on my face.

Before Karan had allowed me to move into the bedroom with him, his place was quite sparse.

He only had the loads of his clothes ...... his wide collection of hoodies, tees and sneakers ....... a wide range of hair products and skin care products that he used due to the fear of his dermatologist and a wide range of expensive perfumes that definitely showed his craze for them ..... and obviously a few other necessities.

Also, there were a few of his childhood memories  and gifts given by family - the things he thought were embarrassing and did not match his stud and bad boy image were tucked away in a box under the bed.

To be true, these were the most precious things to him although the itv king and stud the Karan Kundrra did not want to show them to the world but the sunny within him loved them ....... his emotions were attached to it .......

I know my presence brought many changes into his room as well as life ......
His hoodies and perfumes were now more of mine .....

Those old memories and gifts that used to be hidden as they felt embarrassing are now displayed with pride ..... Why not, afterall the Sunny within him was also no longer hidden ...... he too was out for the world to see, love and appreciate .....

It was overwhelming when Karan told me that he felt like my mere presence lit the room up in a way he hadn't seen in a long time. He felt his flat had become home now ...... his home .......

He has always been vocal and expressed how much I mean to him but the way he speaks it actually makes me fall for him all over again ........ He told me that when I came I not only brought in colors to his oh so dull life but also brought in colorful items, my own memories of my old life and our new ones lining the walls.

I was glad he felt happy about the changes that happened in him because of me coming into his life ......

As a matter of fact I knew when in a relationship we all do some adjustments and adapt to quite a few new things.

Therefore, there are a lot of changes that happen in our lifestyle as well as life ...... What matters is that those changes should be for good and you should be happy accepting them ......

These changes if they bring out the worst in you and you feel suffocated and unhappy about them that is when the relationship starts becoming toxic and at the end crumbles down that too on a really bad note ...... leanings you with scars and baggages for life ........

My past relationship was a similar one it left me with emotional scars and trust issues but all thanks to my Sunny now my scars have healed due to his love and his sincerity, dedication towards me and this relationship has somewhere gotten me rid of those trust issues and baggage of past .......

Now, I feel I'm ready for commitment ....... I feel same was the case for him ....... His past too was a dreadfully nightmare ...... I cannot even imagine how difficult it would have been for him to face all of that and on top of that covid time .......

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