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precious, meaning something of great value; not to be wasted or treated carelessly. something you hold dear to your heart — or in johnny's case, someone you hold dear to your hear. a beloved person. johnny's precious person is mark.

johnny finds mark precious when he smiles and scrunches his nose, finds him precious when mark tries to prove that he isn't that short and that johnny is just way too tall, finds him precious when mark laughs so hard he keeps hitting johnny, finds him precious when mark tries to hide behind his hands when his mother shows johnny childhood pictures of himself.

johnny has always found Mark precious, since the first day they met at johnny's job. johnny works at a rollerskating place, going around the rink to watch out and help people who needs it. it was one of the more better jobs johnny has experienced while searching for money, and it's the one he has stayed in the longest.

johnny was watching people skate ( or try to ) as usual, until a sudden scream was heard behind him, and the next thing he knew was he was on the floor, another person on top of him. the other person ( who was noticeably younger than him ) quickly rolled off and fell back-first on the floor beside him.

"i'm so sorry, dude" he says, trying to get up without slipping again. johnny sighs and gets up on his own, holding his hand out for the other to take, and then pulling it up with him.

"it's cool, it happens sometimes." the other guy chuckles nervously and tries to steady himself again. "do you need some help?" johnny offers. the other guy nods and whispers out a "please".

"alright, what's your name?"

"mark. mark lee."

"okay mark, i'm johnny suh" he flashes a smile then glances at mark's wobbly legs. He sighs and tells mark to relax his legs, bend them a little bit.

and despite mark saying he'll "never want to rollerskate in his life again", he comes back the next week and ask for johnny's assistance once again — which he doesn't mind in the slightest. mark's cute if he does say so himself.

the week after that they meet again at johnny's job, and the week after, and also the week after that. it doesn't suprise johnny when he sees mark again the week after that one ; it's already routine.

and through time, johnny has learnt things about mark, and vice versa. mark's birthday is on the second of august — the same as johnny's mother's, which he finds precious. mark's favourite colour is blue, which he also finds precious. mark also really likes watermelons, he finds that precious as well.

and johnny thinks he'll always find mark precious. even through the days where he finds it hardest, mark is always there, smiling at him and laughing at jokes that didn't even land. even in a thousand years, mark will always be johnny's precious person.

wrote this for my eng
writing competition for school
( the topic was precious )
didn't win but hey a lot of ppl
thought my story was cool!!!
though wht's intended is
romantic, u can also view
this as platonic!! since yk i had
to keep it kinda lowkey bc i
am living in a homophobic
country ( lol??? ) anyways hope
u liked it bc even if we were
given like 2 weeks to complete
it i still managed to write it
last minute AND hand it a
day late ()

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