Chapter 1: Introduction

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♤Dices pov♤
My parents met at a streetlight in front of a cafe on a windy day. My pa thought my ma was a pretty lady so he stuck a flower in his shoe and my ma saw and fell in love right then in there. They got married of course and had me, Kingsley dice. About 3 years after I was born pa got involved in drugs and was killed because he was behind on payment. After that Ma became all worried about me and became overprotective like the world was out to her precious baby girl. After pas death, ma had a drinking problem and left bottles around the house. Other than that I had a pretty fair childhood you could say we weren't poor or anything and ma was pretty supportive when I came out as Trans and gay Mabey a little too supportive. Took her a while to stop using my dead name and call me Kingsley but she got used to it eventually. Once I turned 20 and started to be able to go out and meet people she would get worried sick about me which got annoying but I somewhat understood so I promised to keep myself safe for her sake. Today I was just gonna go out for a drink and a smoke nothing much. So I went out and smoked up against a streetlight pole as the people walked passed on the busy walkway. I like looking at the different people on the streets because I'm a very fashionable person and like to look at what they're wearing as for me I wasn't dressed as nice because I was going for a smoke and nothing else. As I was looking around I saw a very tall fellow dressed in a trench coat with some sort of goat head walking far away and from what I could see he was very attractive.

I knew this was my time, ma had always told me the story about how she and pa met so I decided I would do that. Right next to the light I was leaning on was the bar and they had flowers in the window so I took one, put it in my shoe, and stuck my foot out as I waited for him to approach. When he finally reached me I got to see his full face and I was right he was really attractive my face was burning up as he opened his mouth to say something. "Uh, you got a flower in your shoe." He looks down at me. Shit, this wasn't going as I had planned. "Looks pretty stupid" I reply as I start getting sweaty. "Yeah someone must of put it there because your foot was in the walkway." He pulled his cigar out of his mouth and continued walking. What?? How did pa swoop ma off her feet?? Why was it so easy for him?? I'm not ugly I know that for a fact many men and women have tried to get with me plenty of times so that couldn't be the case at all. Mabey he's just not interested. I sigh and lean back onto the pole so I won't come off as a pushy weirdo.

                                                                                    ★Devils pov★

As I continued walking down the street one of my imps came from behind my hood and whispered "sir I think that guy was trying to flirt with you." He laughed and I paused. Wow, he flirted with me and I had no idea. I get so embarrassed and melt into a puddle. My imp falls off my shoulder and looks back. "Haha, it seems like you too would make a perfect match sir!" He laughs. I put myself back together and start walking toward him. Weirdly, me, the Devil, lord of hell getting mushy over some man on the street with a flower in his shoe and a dice for a head. As I'm walking towards him is see he's leaning on the pole once again smoking but the flower is now in his hand and his head is down. I finally reach him and start burning up, he looks up at me and his cheeks are a dark purple" I cuff his hands with the flower in them. "I suppose this was for me?" I ask awkwardly. He stares at me before he starts nodding his head really fast. I'm not good at romance at all which Is why I only do flings but I'm willing to give this man a try. "Kingsley." He says breaking the silence as he turns his head away while his cheeks are still bright purple. "Huh?" I ask. "Kingsley, my name, Kingsley dice." He holds out the flower. I take it and reply "devil." My imp pops out and looks at me because I said my real name. "Devil?" He questioned. "What's the story behind that?" He asks. I take this as an opportunity to ask him out and try and flirt. "I could tell you more about it on our date next..." I try and think of a date. "The 13th!" I shoot a sharp smile at him and he blushes a lot more. "Oh wow where at?" He asks. "Umm do you have a paper and pen on you?" I ask. "Let me see.." He checks his pants pockets and pulls out a handkerchief and a pen and hands it to me. I write down the name and address of my casino so that I won't have to worry about me being gone while I'm on a date. "A casino? Hey isn't that place really expensive to dine at and hard to book?" He asks. And he was right my casino is very expensive which is why it's so successful and hard to book. "Well I have connections so see you on the 13th at 7:00." I shoot a wink and walk away. "Sir you really did not just do that??" He asks me coming again. "Did what?" I ask smiling thinking about what I just did. "First off you are not in a human disguise. IN PUBLIC second you told someone in public your real name to a stranger and third of all your going on a date!!" He points his finger in my face. "Oh, peakley calmness down it makes no sense that I can have my name plastered all over my casino and my face but I can't in public." I groan. "You know what your right sir." He agrees and goes back into my pocket.

♤Dices pov♤
As I'm walking back home I have a giant grin plastered on my face thinking about what just happened and looking at the handkerchief in my hand with his handwriting on it. When I finally got home I see ma sitting at the table with a drink in her hand. "Oh, my baby you're finally home I was so worried about you!" She runs up and smothers me in kisses. "Ma I'm fine but I have amazing news." She has stars in her eyes. "Ooh tell me all about it baby!" She sits back down and ushers me into my seat. "Well, I'm going on a date on the 13th." I smile. "Wow, I'll actually have grandbabies!" She holds my hands. "Ma I'm only 20 and I don't even know how the dates gonna go." I roll my eyes. "Sorry sorry, what's his name?" She asks. I start shaking because she's kinda religious if she hears I'm going out either the litter devil she'll kill me. "Jacob..yea his name is Jacob." I lie and start sweating. "Oh, I can't wait to meet him! Such a sweet name." She smiles and walks to her room. I'm panicking because she wants to meet him!!! I just decided to go to bed and sleep on it.

AUTHORS NOTE: Sorry I keep deleting the story and re-writing it I hated the last ones they were so ew but I think I'm gonna stick with this plot because I like it more so bear with me yall ty for reading <3

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