Kissed that first night,

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//Uhhh we'll move this onto our A03 tomorrow morning, but here's a 1am smutfic of the Pumpkin Duo. Borderline abusive, sorta sadomasochism, ehh.. depends how you see it. This isn't R@pe. It's consented.//


Bottom lip slicked with salvia, heart beating and thudding rhythmically against Quackity's chest as he awaited by the unmarked grave of Shlatt's. If Dream hadn't lied, which was a shallow belief alongside to latch onto. The green clad male was a liar and everyone knew it. Yet regardless upon getting his hands upon the revive book the first thing his brain could think of was to fall back into old habits and revive his ex-husband. Abusive or not. He couldn't wait any longer to see what would happen if he was to meet his alive self once more.

Maybe it would be the same.. perhaps better or in all accounts worse. Yet at the same time his body ached relying on waiting. The sickening crackle of bones slowly popping into place and thrusting up into the dirt, pulling up and dragging the undead back alive was all Quackity could focus on. Heart picking up in place as he desperately forced himself to shuffle away from the cracking and slitting soil before him. A dirtied hand slamming through the soil as it cracked and tumbled away from the deathly pale skin upon the hand. The other soon joined it as the hands worked away at carving away at the soil and pushing it apart.

The earth groaning as Schlatt climbed his way up through the various layers of dirt for his freedom, gasping for air as a throaty exhale escaped him upon climbing out from the confines of his shallow grave. "Fuck.. me!" He cackled, the sound loud and unforgiving yet Quackity couldn't help but watch wide-eyed.

"Schlatt.." The word alone tumbling out of his mouth, hanging in the air before the undead turned to him, gasping before his wicked grin tugged at the corners of his lips. Whiskers of his mustache tightening with the sadistic grin as he beckoned the other closer. "Quackity.." The word soft, sickeningly sweet yet the duck hybrid couldn't help but fall for it. Obediently crawling towards him before scrambling to his feet before he hugged the muddied ex-president.

Just to get pushed back, ass hitting the ground harshly as he gasped in surprise, eyes wide yet his body refused to move as he watched Schlatt. "It.. it worked.."
He rambled, not surprised from the action of the other as he grinned.
"You're.. you're alive!" He cheered, smile growing before he was roughly tugged up by his collar, large hand gripping at the fabric as he spluttered slightly.
"I.. it worked.."
He choked out weakly as the goat hybrid sneered slightly, watching him struggle to breathe before roughly tugging him into a kiss.

Longing and unforgiving.
Schlatt's mustache itching and scraping against Quackity's skin yet he couldn't help but melt into it regardless, gasping as he was dropped. Catching himself as he stood up, looking at the older male.
"Thank you." The words alone sounded venomous as they were spat out at the younger of the two. Quackity desperately nodded at that, longing for more touch from the older male.
"Of course! I.. i- I'm glad it worked." He grinned before a harsh slap to his face snapped him out of his glee. A reddened mark slowly setting into place as he gulped.

"Don't ever. Mess with life or death again. Got it?" The words spat out as Quackity only nodded, wheezing as Schlatt wrapped a hand around his throat, dull nails digging into his flesh as the younger couldn't do anything but agree. "Y-yes, I promise." He confirmed before Schlatt let go of him, leaving him a wheezing and gasping mess as Schlatt huffed, dusting off his hand against his own muddied shirt.
"Take me to a shower, and get me some spare clothes while you're at it." He ordered as Quackity nodded obediently, smiling faintly as he began leading him towards Las Nevada's as he knew for a fact no one would bother them out there in the dead of night in which it was.

Before the duck hybrid knew it he was bent over his desk, wide fingers pressed and curled deep against his prostate as he whimpered. Face pressed harshly against the dark wood as a hand in his hair prevented him from raising it.
"Such a good little slut for me."
The shallow words just sent a pooling warmth within Quackity as he whined, hips bucking against the table before the hand from his hair was pulled up as he squirmed before his head was slammed down against the wood as he gasped breathlessly. "Fuck- I.. I'm sorry-"

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