Don't go away...

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"CUPHEAD!!!" Mugman was watching behind the scene as his brother, and the Devil were fighting.

The Devil was in his dragon form at the time, so he thought that he had the advantage. But Cuphead had his pithfork, and he was using it against it's owner.

Cuphead got smashed into the wall behind him, his handle chipped, and some of his milk came out of his head. Cuphead was out of breath, and weak, but he wouldn't stop fighting.

The Devil saw that this was his chance to kill the cup, so while Cuphead was catching his breath, his eyes burned red from murderous rage, and he crept up to Cuphead.

Cuphead noticed this and he shot a beam out of the pithfork, and it cut the Devil on the side.


An offscreen shatter and gasp was audible from behind the Devil, but he didn't seem to notice, all he thought about was killing Cuphead in the most brutal way. As the Devil was about to blast Cuphead with a giant fire blast...


Henchman was calling for his boss, he knew that the Devil was trying to kill Cuphead, but this was important. The Devil turned around, still burning with anger, and then he saw something that made his blood run cold.

It was King Dice, he was lying on the ground, a large part of his head had shattered off, he was just laying there looking like he was dying... The beam that got the Devil's side must've done this!

The Devil immediatly snapped out of his rage build up and gasped in terror. He went back to the fallen Dice, and saw that he was in fact, cracked very badly. While the Devil was distracted, Mugman went over to his brother to help him up. The Devil then turned around and charged his fire blast agian, Cuphead and Mugman both ran into the elevator and quickly closed the door as soon as the fire blast shot.

The elevator dissapeared, the cupbros had escaped, luckily Cuphead dropped the pitchfork when he ran for the elevator. The Devil's bodyguard, Smoker went to go pick it up.

The Devil was already out of his dragon form and trying to see if his right-hand man was dead or not. "Is... He gonna be okay?" Smoker asked anxousily. The Devil lifted Dice's head from the ground and tried calling out his name. "King Dice? D-Dice? Please, please be okay..." He was already on the verge of bawling his eyes out, he didn't want King Dice to die, he was practically his best friend.

Just then, King Dice started to open his eyes a bit, he was struggling, but he still managed to do it, even with almost half his face cracked off. "Mmng..." Dice was very weak, so he tried to speak, but mostly what came out was just groans of pain. "DICE!!! Are you alright? That cup didn't get you too bad right?" The Devil said.

"Actually... He- Did get me... Pretty good... But, you got your pitchfork back, and those cups are never coming back... So, you should be okay right?" King Dice's words made the Devil really heartbroken inside. "No, no, no, no... I'm not okay with just that... I don't want you to die..." Dice knew that the Devil was hurt, but all the demon could think of was his right-hand man suffering in his arms.

"I... Can't promise you that... But, if I die... I hope you'll take care of my soul..." Dice tried to speak up one more time, but it was too late. "I... I..." Those were his last words before going limp in the demon's arms.

Suddenely, King Dice's soul slowly started to get out of his body. Once it was out and floating, Smoker slammed his soul shut into a jar, it shrunk in size when she closed the lid.

"O-Okay, okay! D-Don't worry boss! We c-can fix this! Just, hold this jar with his soul in it, and Henchman and I will fix Dice's head, and after we do that, you can just put his soul back inside, and it'll be like he was never dead!" Smoker explained while dripping with sweat from worry. "Alright... Well get to it then!"

Smoker and Henchman both picked up Dice's body, along with the pieces that were shattered off of his broken head. Once they were gone, all the Devil had to do was wait for them to be finished. He sat on his throne and still held the jar that had Dice's soul in it.

The soul started to look around, and it saw the Devil holding it, the Devil lifted the jar closer to his face. He put his finger on the front of the jar, and then the soul put it's small hand where his finger was.

There was a moment of the two trying to touch eachother, while staring eye to eye.

The Devil didn't know that he was crying until a tear landed on the glass area of the jar, he then held the jar tightly and hugged it. Of course he knew that Dice would be okay, but it still broke his heart in two.

Henchman and Smoker were busy fixing Dice's cracked head, they glued all the cracks carefully, and then they bandaged the spot so that it all stayed in place.

"You think he's ready?" Smoker asked her best friend. Henchman knocked on Dice's head a few times to make sure it was sturdy.

"He should be alright!"

Smoker ran over to tell the Devil that Dice was ready.

"DEVIL!!!" Smoker yelled at her boss, the Devil flinched and grumbled in annoynace. "What is it!?" he asked still gripping the jar.

"Dice is all better!" Now you can put his soul back in!" The Devil quickly got up and followed Smoker to the room where Dice was.

King Dice was still lying down, completeley souless. The Devil breathed in and out carefully, and slowly opened the lid of the jar.

Once Dice's soul floated out, the Devil grabbed it, and put it back in Dice's body. It took a minute, but King Dice slowly started to open his eyes.

He then sat up quickly and gasped for breath. "Wha- I'm... Alive?" Everyone around him gasped in shock and releif.

Smoker explained, "Yeah! All we really had to is to glue your head back together and wrap a bandage around your cracked spot! Just avoid any strong force on that spot"

She then leaped up and hugged King Dice tightly, Henchman joined in too, Dice just wrapped his arm around them both, supossedly hugging them back.

King Dice then turned his attention to his boss, he got up, and walked over to the Devil and pulled him into a tight hug.

The Devil hesitated, but then hugged Dice back, Henchman and Smoker just watched in pleasure while the two were hugging eachother.

Then outta nowhere, Dice kissed the Devil's cheek. The demon blushed really hard at the action, once Dice pulled away, he then realized what he just did.

They were still wrapped around eachother,
"Oh shit! Uhh, I didn't mean to do that! I jus-" Dice got cut off by the Devil's finger on the die's mouth silencing him.

The Devil then pulled Dice by his bowtie and kissed him on the lips. Henchman and Smoker's jaws dropped as they saw this. They decided to leave the room to give the other two some privacy.

Shortly after, Dice and the Devil both pulled away from eachother. "I was gonna say I love you, but that was before I died." Dice said still wrapped around his boss.

"Aw, I love you to Dice!" The Devil said as he kissed his right-hand man again, they were both fully embraced by eachother with their love.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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