Beginning 😏

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Nanon was sitting at his group music room with his gang planning to bully the new teacher.
"So what's the plan Nanon we can't let that bastard go away easily" Jimmy said angrily while clenching his fist.
"Your are right how dare he to hurt my brother I will kill him" Milk said angrily she broke her drum sticks with her bare hands.

"Don't worry he can't go easily he have to pay for his actions now guys listen to my plan" Nanon said with evil grin while rubbing his wrist which got red because of tight grip.

"Guys I really wanna meet are new teacher who dare to hurt our little brat" Prim said laughing she was sitting on couch while munching cookies.

"Shut up Prim now it's time to execute our plan" Nanon said with determined expression.

Ohm was standing on class room area he was checking the whole College suddenly he felt someone tapped on his shoulder from behind he turned back to see who was standing behind him.

"Sir I want to apologize for my rude behavior" Nanon said in soft tone while bending his head down.
"Oh really then go and apologize to that boy for your rude behavior" Ohm said coldly while folding his hands up to his chest.

"Ok I will apologize to him but you also have to come with me because if he starts the fight then I will also fight back"Nanon said making the eye contact with Ohm while making a cute pout.
"Ok let's go to his class" Ohm said coldly he slightly pushed Nanon aside and start walking towards corridor.

Nanon grabbed his hands tightly not letting him go further Ohm turned towards him with frown on his face.
"Sir please wait here I also want to return something" Nanon said sarcastically his innocent aura suddenly got changed into devil.

"1"2"3"4"5" he said while gesturing his gang to start the plan.
"What hell are doing and why are yo-" before Ohm could say anything he don't know from where someone pour red paint onto him he got drenched in red.

"Oh no who did this reckless act with our precious class teacher are you alright Sir" Nanon said sarcastic while putting his hands on his mouth pretending to be innocent he winked at his gang who was standing at corridor's stairs while holding paint bucket they all start laughing at Ohm and Jimmy start taking his video.

"Satisfied are you happy now. But now it's mine turn it's not fair while I am drenched in paint and you are dry" Ohm said coldly he was trying to control his anger he clenched his fist and jaw tightly while glaring at Nanon dangerously. Nanon gulped in fear by seeing Ohm anger he started to backing away but got stopped when Ohm pulled his wrist and start dragging him towards empty class he pushed Nanon inside and locked the door he pinned Nanon on the nearest wall.

He pinned his both hands above his head and glare at him with burning rage.
"You know what I hate rich spoiled brat's like you now you will pay for that" Ohm said pissed his grip on his wrist's got tighten Nanon was hissing in pain trying to free himself they both are too close to each other that they can feel each other hot breath hitting their faces. Ohm left Nanon both wrist's and grabbed his waist tightly pulled him more close he started to rub his left cheek with Nanon right cheek then his right cheek to his left putting his paint on Nanon face.

"What the hell are you doing bastard leave me otherwise I will kill" Nanon snapped at him he started to push him away but Ohm grabbed his left arm with his one arm tightly while other hand is still wrapping around his waist tightly.

"Listen you little brat I am warning you mind your language I am older than you. By the way some paint also got into my mouth you wanna taste" Ohm said in deep tone with straight.
"You bloody foo-" before Nanon can say anything Ohm slide his tongue into his mouth brutally exchanging his saliva mix with paint with his.

Nanon eyes got widen in shock he started to hit his chest with his right hand trying to free himself he was feeling uncomfortable he again pushed, Ohm but he didn't budge.
Ohm grip on his left hand got more tighten he pinned Nanon on wall again locking his moments. He aggressively rubbing his tongue with Nanon's.

The more Nanon try to resist the more Ohm got aggressive he lost his all senses. Suddenly Nanon bit he tongue harshly Ohm winced in pain he left his hand and waist and take few steps back while holding his mouth he glare at him angrily. Nanon took the chance he kicked on his balls hardly.
Ohm groaned in pain he hold his lower part.
"How dare you pervert old man" Nanon said pissed he wipe his mouth with his sleeve and ran away from there leaving Ohm who is still groaning in pain.

"You have to pay Nanon korapat kirdapan I will make your life hell I promise" Ohm yelled at him he was holding his lower part trying to endure his pain.

Nanon was running from there as fast as he could soon he reached towards his group music room his whole gang was sitting there worriedly. When they see Nanon came back they shocked to see he also got dirty with paint especially his cheeks. They want to approach him but Nanon ignore them and ran towards bathroom he got inside and locked the door.

He started to wash his face trying to remove the paint he was splashing the water on his face roughly trying to forget what happened just now he got harassed by that pervert old man.

He see his reflection on mirror his face got crimson red his whole body is shaking his heart was beating faster he still can feel Ohm's tongue in his mouth.
" That pervert bastard today he crossed his all limits he shouldn't had done that" Nanon said angrily while clutching the wash basin tightly his eyes got filled with tears.


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