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. . • ☆ . ° .• ✧°:. *₊ ✩° ・゚. ☆

Addison jogged into the gym and blew her whistle to gain everyone's attention, causing everyone's murmuring to die down. She plastered on a perfect, cheer-tastic smile. "I'm so fired up to be running today's cheer practice. Together, we can do anything." She paused and gauged everyone's hesitancy. She looked to Hayden and Bree for an answer, "What?"

Bree pointed in reference to behind Addison while Hayden explained, "It's freaking everyone out that they're here."

Addison turned to find the werewolves intently watching their every move. She stepped forward, "Sorry, but this practice space is for cheerleaders only."

"Ha!" One stood with a scoff, "Just try and get us to leave."

Wyatt was quick to stand to dispel the remark, placing an arm on her. "Wynter. Some respect."

"No, I don't want you to leave." Addison shook her head. "I want you to stay."

"Stay?" Wyatt repeated.

"Since you're here, sure." Hayden shrugged, ignoring the raised brow Bree sent her. She wasn't sure where her cousin was going with this idea, but she knew well enough to support her no matter what. "Why not?"

"The cheer team is for everyone." Addison added at the sight of their shocked expressions.

There was some murmuring among them, but eventually there seemed to be an agreement once Wyatt, the first to step away, started making his way over.

"Might as well show us what you can do, wolfy-boy." Hayden smiled smugly at Wyatt as he came up to them.

He quirked a brow upward momentarily before he stepped closer to her. "You wish."

"Give it your best shot, yeah?" Hayden challenged, her head tilting back slightly.

The cheer team took formation with the pack members intermixed with them. Their bright Seabrook uniforms clashed with the dark colors adorned by the werewolves. A unison nobody could have foreseen.

Addison started the music and counted down into their routine where the movements were sharp, configured moves as the werewolves adapted on the fly, dancing around them. Hayden's arms crossed back and forth across her chest as she moved to the left while Wyatt slid to the right, trying his best to copy her before she lifted her right arm up and he maneuvered beneath it to wound up back on her left.

"Not too bad," Hayden commented to him quietly, earning a quick shrug and smug smile from Wyatt. "Now try and keep up," she added, and rolled her eyes at the sight of a wink sent her way.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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