Please Don't Leave Me

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"Where is she!?" Bakugou's mind races a mile a second while searching for you. Out the corner of his eye, a shadow falls to the ground, and a black masked figure runs off. As you start to black out, Bakugou runs toward your direction. The eyewitnesses scream in fear at him, making Bakugou just as worried and the pounding in your head worse, "Hey, guys. Don't worry," You huff out, "He is my boyfriend." A gush of black clouds your vision, sending you into complete unconsciousness.

"It's going to be ok sweetheart," Bakugou says, breaking the silent ringing in your ear, "It's all gonna be o-"

~Two hours later~

You wake up in the hospital. A soft snore comes from beside you, Bakugou moving into a more comfortable spot on the couch. Outside of your room, you hear your dads and Recovery Girl discussing, "Will she be ok? What's going to happen to her? Please, I need to know if my daughter will be ok," asked Present Mic in a worried tone.

"Yes Yamada, she just needs to rest. And seeing your shaking, you'll need to calm down and rest too." replies Recovery girl.

Aizawa rubs his husband's back, "Ok that's good. But do we know what happened to her?"

Yamada shakes his head like a rabid animal, "Yes! What happened?"

"Sadly," Recovery girl looks at you, or maybe Bakugou, "I do not. But after observing Bakugou's shocked behavior, he seems to know more than what he says." Bakugou yelps beside you, a scared expression trickles on his face, "But we should let him rest. He is very tired from the mission and worrying about her."

"Yeah you're right," agrees both Aizawa and Present Mic, "Let's go check out the x-ray, it'll give us some clue as to what is going on."

As they walk away with Recovery Girl, Bakugou grunts and fidgets, waking up from a slight nightmare. He holds your hand, "Mmm. Hey baby...please wake up,"

"Hey babe" you respond, intertwining your hand with his.

"Hey," He says, half-smiling and sitting himself up, positioning himself to face you, "How are you feeling sweetie? Better? A-and how long have you been up without me?"

"I feel okay, I guess. There is a spot in my stomach that's in pain though," Bakugou darts his eyes at your stomach.

"Does it hurt to touch?"

You look at your stomach, "I don't know, I don't wanna know." Bakugou smiles, giving a warm sensation in your body. A spike of pain rushes through you, sending a yelp to escape your mouth. Bakugou stands up trying to caress your face.

Your dads come back, Yamada's eyes bloodshot, "Dad, are you ok? You've been crying." Another shock of pain rushes through your body. It was worse this time. Everyone can see it in your face.

"I'm fine sweetie. Don't worry about me," answers Present Mic as he inches closer to your bed.

"How are you feeling kiddo?" Asks Aizawa.

"I'm feeling better." A shock of pain stutters along your spine, "How are you?"

"I'm perfectly fine now that I know you are ok." A tiny grin forms on his face, giving you a bit more warmth.

A sudden shift on your leg caught your attention. Bakugou, slumped over, half-asleep, nods, making you smile wildly. Why is he so cute when he is asleep, you think.

A bullet of pain floods your senses, causing you to jerk, shake, and moan. Tears fall from your eyes, blood rushing to your throat. Aizawa rushes to get Recovery Girl. Yamada holds your shoulders down, keeping you from moving too much.

Please Don't Leave Me (Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now