Realization ☹️

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Ohm Pov ;

What the hell how could I do that. When I first time saw him at Cafeteria his back was facing me. He was bullying a student and he also insulted his teacher. I just want to punch his face badly when I approached him first. I grabbed his wrist tightly I was going to punch him. But when he turned towards me I got struck by his beauty.

His doe brown eyes, his cute button nose, his plump pink lips , his pale and smooth skin ,his silky hairs everything about him is so beautiful.
I dropped my idea to punch him he was looking so fragile until he opened his mouth he got a very sharp tongue.

The way he behaved rudely I didn't expect him to be this much worse. He was making me angry. I gripped his wrist tightly he hissed in pain he was trying to free himself from my hold.
But his hands were so soft comparing to mine rough, of course a rich spoiled brat like him have a diamond spoon in his mouth. He doesn't have to anything he can get anything in his life just in the blink of an eye.
And me in my whole life I do just struggle when I was in military I had always done manual work tough training in heat, teaching Martial arts to new officers always standing straight in field not allowed to show any emotions and pain.

But that rich rebellious brat he didn't even have to do anything himself he got a big Mansion so many servant who always run back and forth for him.
Expensive car's, clothes etc.
I was peacefully standing outside the classroom area checking whole College then someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and see he was standing infront of me with his head low.

I frowned at him but when he told me that he wanna apologize I got melt with his innocent voice. When he make a cute pouty face. I just wanna pinch his cheeks he was looking so adorable but then reality hit me hard that he was a brat.

I slightly pushed him aside and start walking towards corridor then he suddenly grabbed my hand I frowned at him.
Then he say he wants to return something and start counting. I was staring at him confused but then suddenly someone splashed red paint on me I got fully drenched. Then he start laughing loudly and also his friends they all are having fun while making my video. The way he was laughing at me my blood start boiling there. I know I have some anger issues but never in my life somebody insulted me like that.

I already lost my all senses . I can't able to think straight anymore I just dragged him with me and pushed him inside empty classroom. That time I just wanna see fear in his face then I started to rubbing my cheeks with his wanting him to feel the way I am feeling. I hate to got dirty that why I was also making him dirty. He was trying to pushing me away it's make my blood more boil.

Some paint also got into my mouth that's why I want him to realize his mistake but I didn't want to do that. But I don't know why I can't control myself he was too close to me, he was smelling so good his hot breath was hitting on my face. I just can't able to concentrate on anything he was cursing at me the way his lips are moving. I lost my all senses I slide my tongue into his mouth tasting his.
I know I gone too far how I am gonna face him now. He will definitely hate me for this oh God.

Kirdapan's Mansion

Nanon was sitting on bed at his father room with his sister and his father.
"What happened dear why are you looking so gloomy today" Mr. Korn asked his Son who was lost in thoughts.

"Huh! Nothing dad just thinking about that bastard who almost harr.." Nanon was going to tell his dad but got stopped he didn't want to talk about this.

"What are you saying" his father asked confused .
"Nothing dad today I came across with an Old man at campus. He was our new teacher I just want him to be suspended" Nanon said angrily while clenching bed sheets.

"Don't worry Son I will suspend that teacher he was not a big problem. You know what your mom hire a new trainer for you he was a Military Officer you have to be careful" his father said while ruffling his hair's.

"Not again but don't worry we will kick him out of the house" Milk said while hugging her dad arm.
"You are right but first I want to make that Old man regret" Nanon while punching the bed.


Nanon, Mr. Korn and Milk were discussing their plans while sitting at balcony sofa but soon got interrupted by Mrs. Lin car horn they all look at her direction. She was not alone someone else also with her.
"Who was he dad" Nanon asked confused he can't able to see that man face clearly.

"Your new trainer that Military Officer" his dad said while sipping his coffee.
"HE" Nanon and Milk said in unison.
"What you both know him" Mr. Korn asked them while raising his eyebrows.
"Yes Dad he was the one who insulted our Non infront of Cafeteria" Milk said while rubbing her eyes to clear her vision that she isn't hallucinating.

"What oh my God then that's a miracle! Your enemies are a one person. And now he was at your own house you can take your revenge anytime" his dad said and nudge his shoulder.
"You are right but how" Nanon asked his dad confused while glaring at Ohm.
"Simple your mom thinks that he was a well mannered and punctual man he can never made any mistakes. So my point was prove your mother wrong" his dad said with evil grin feeling proud to be their evil gang leader.

"Yes you are right thanks Dad now I will prove mom that he was not perfect for this job. She will definitely kick him out"Nanon said with smirk they all start laughing like they already kicked him out.
"Your times starts now pervert Old man"Nanon mumbled barely audible for others.


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