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He always believed that she was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen, since their fourth grade wedding, he knew that he loved her, she managed to make every summer as wonderful as she was

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He always believed that she was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen, since their fourth grade wedding, he knew that he loved her, she managed to make every summer as wonderful as she was

Wherever she went, the sun seemed to follow, she was the only perfect star in a sky full of millions, he could never have imagined a life without her in it, the mere concept would have sent him spiraling.

Everyone always told him that things happen for a reason, and he tried his best to believe them, he really did, but the day she went missing, his whole world shattered.

When he was in seventh grade, everything fell apart, endless nights were spent crying in his room as he looked at countless pictures of her, he would sit for hours begging the universe to bring her back to him.

After five years, his family had seemed to move on from the disappearance, the Conklins had too, although she still plagued his thoughts everyday, everyone assumed she was gone, but he knew better, if she was gone he would feel it, she's still out there.

Call it a soulmate connection, pure intuition, or even a hopeful feeling, but he was right, she was still out there, and she thought about him everyday too.

She had always thought he was the most beautiful boy she had ever met, ever since they kissed on the beach in the sixth grade, she knew he was the one for her, he somehow could make her smile no matter what was going on around them.

Wherever he went, happiness followed, he could light up a room just by walking into it, the smile never seemed to leave his face, even when he faced the toughest challenges. She never wanted to imagine a life without him.

But now, all that was left of their relationship was a small carving in a tree behind his summer home, a place that he found himself constantly finding his way back to.


WONDERWALL,  jeremiah fisherWhere stories live. Discover now