Leaf 01

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Baba please don't do this. It's hurting mumma. Please baba leave my mumma please I'm bagging you. I love my mumma so much. I can't see her in pain.  Baba please baba please a little 6 yrs old girl cry infront of her father who is  beating his mother with his belt peeling off her skin from her body making her cry in pain. His daughter is bagging him to stop beating her mother but nothing is going in his ears and he is taking out all his anger on that particular woman whom he used to claim his love of life.

I said stay away can't you understand you little insect. God it's my mistake. I don't know how I became blind  in lust and kept relationship with this filth snd because of it you  born making my life more hell. Because of you both mother and daughter today my father just threw out of his house.I won't leave her. I wontttt he screams and kick in her stomach making her mother  cry lungs out of her

Aaaaaaa khushiiiii

Maaa she got up from her dream having sweat beads on her forehead.  She breath heavily and kept hand on her chest feeling her heart beating faster than marathon. This dream hunts her from childhood. Whenever she try to get sleep she see it infront of her eyes refreshing all the memories of her past which makes her sleep flew away and after this she can't sleep.

Why it's doesn't leave me alone. Why it's hunts me always she sobs having tears beads in her eyes feeling broken from inside. Her life always been miserable. From Childhood she faced only hurdles nothing else. Whenever she felt something good.  It's got ruin again and she land on same place eheee she was before. Now she has stopped hopping good from her life and  have started compromising whatever happens with her. Having these thoughts only she grab the water bottle and gulp all of it wetting her dry throat which had started paining because of lump. After drinking the water she look towards the watch and see it's five am ticking on it

Shit I'm late. She murmur and got up from the bed slipping in her shoes. 

Today she will kill me if she finds out I've got up late. God why I slept so much today. Now I've to face her wroth. She hits her forehead and bark in the bathroom for quick bath. She hurriedly peel off her clothes and got busy washing herself. After freshening up she comes out and hurriedly March towards the kitchen to see what's gonna be today in breakfast. 

Good morning di.  Maid greet her having smile which she reciprocated and March towards the board which is having list what people gonna have today. After seeing the list she just tie her dupata on her waist and started preparing breakfast.  After almost an hour she managed to cook everything and run towards the  cleaning room to get every necessary things which gonna help her to clean all the house. She grabs the broom and other stuff and started cleaning every bit of place before any of person come out from their bedroom.

At 8 clock she finished everything and arrange the food on the table neatly without having even one crease on it. As she made sure everything is done family members started coming taking from their  own particular places...

Maa today I've made your favourite banana bread. I hope you will like it. She smiles keeping the plate of banana cake infront of her.  Lady look at her and pushed the plate making her smile fade away.

I'm not in mood to eat your stupid banana cake.  It's better if you don't show me your face. Just do your work and disappear before I come out.

Radika this is not the way you should treat your daughter in law. How many times I've told you.  Dadi spoke  making her roll her eyes

I didn't bring her here. It's you who did it.  So don't ask me how should I treat her and how not.

It's ok dadi she is right I shouldn't had been here.  I should had  leave by now. Moreover I'm getting late for my job so excuse me. You guys enjoy your breakfast.  She passed her a smile and left from there  grabbing her bag from the floor.

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