
207 16 12

TW: Blood, death, injury, body horror

Written by SwiftpoolWrites

Henwy was curled in a depressed ball in his castle. Tears dangerously threatened his eyes. He had lost both Jerome and Sigils in one day. One hour.

The deviated enderman was burned into his mind. The purple blood leaking from random cuts along his body and dripping from his eyes like toxic tears.

He didn't know it had been Sigils he was attacking. If he did, he would have been more careful. He would have tried harder.

A single tear broke past his emotionless wall. Henwy wiped it away.

The deviated enderman had fought so hard, like his life depended on it. His friend's roars still echoed through his ears. The enderman's claws sliced so effortlessly through Jerome's soft flesh. There was that horrifying moment where he thought his friend was dead.

Jerome laid on the half-dead grass, bright crimson blood seeping into the earth. Henwy almost blacked out at that point. The two monsters fought furiously until Henwy drove his blade through-.

Stop it. Stop thinking about it. His breath quickened. His chest ached, like his own sword was being driven through his heart instead of Sigils'.

That was when Biffle revealed himself.

"Why did you do this?" Henwy had asked. "Why did you lead the enderman here?"

Biffle smiled. A smile that had haunted Henwy every night since he found out that Biffle was a traitor.

"I led Sigils to you."

Henwy's head shot up and he stared at his doorway. He tried to calm his unstable breathing.

Then he heard the roar and slipped right back into the memory.

Jerome staggered to his feet behind Henwy. Henwy almost ran to him and hugged him, but what was before him was no longer his friend.

Watching an animal turn into a deviant was hard enough, but watching your best friend turn into a monster?

The blood covered spikes made of bone that shot through his shoulders and back. The skin splitting as he grew to nine feet. The jaw unhinging. The strip of torn skin keeping his jaw together. The claws. The shrieks of agony from the virus that was tearing his organs and brain apart.

Henwy clasped a hand over his mouth and let the tears rip down his wall.

He sat on the floor sobbing for who knows how long when a fuzzy nose pushed into his side.

Henwy turned to see Humble, Sigils' tiny red fox. He anxiously nudged Henwy and softly nipped at his hand, quickly dashing a few feet away before zooming back to nip Henwy's hand. A common sign that he had something to show.

"He's gone, Humble," Henwy croaked. The fox sat and stared at him. The fox curled his tail around his back legs and barked. He was sitting right in front of the doorway.

"Get out of here, Humble," Henwy growled at the fox. He didn't budge.

"Get out of here! Sigils is dead! I killed him, Humble!" Henwy roared. The fox flinched but didn't leave.

Don't cry, don't cry. Henwy thought to himself as he stared furiously at the fluffy animal.

Henwy slowly rose to his feet. Humble scampered towards him and nudged Henwy's leg with his snout. Henwy flinched and kicked the fox away, his heel catching the fox's stomach and throwing Humble back. The fox yelped and whimpered, laying still on the floor. A small smear of blood laid on the floor.

Deviant Cure//Crossover AUWhere stories live. Discover now