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"Get away from this place, go" I say to the girl and she runs away from this hell. Ezra takes my hand and holds it in his. He opens his car door and points for me to get in. He gets in the back seat with me as the driver takes us home. It's silent in the car. His leg is bouncing up and down.

I realize that he's stressed. I've ruined everything for him. I place my hand on his leg. Making him stop. "I'm sorry I ruined it but I couldn't just stand there" I say.
His face softens when he looks at me. "You did the right thing" he tells me. Although I know he's really mad right now.

"Why didn't you kill me?" I ask as I take away my hand. He only looks at me not answering. We arrive and get inside the mansion. I follow him up and into his bedroom.

"I wanted to just thank you for... you know, not killing me." I say smiling. He nods. "But really why didn't you just pull the trigger?" I ask again because I never got an answer. He could have just done it and keep his reputation.

He comes closer to me and pushes me up against the wall. Our bodies so near. Faces so extremely close to each other.
"You know why" he says staring into me. So deeply. Like he wants me. "I don't, tell me" I say and a smile tugs at his lips. "You drive me fucking crazy" he says making my cheeks burn bright red. "It would've been easier for you if you killed me" I say.

"God you just can't stay quiet for one minute can you" he says smiling.

How can I be so drawn to him. I should hate him even more but I can't. I try to stay focused. To not let him get this near me but my body says otherwise. My heart is pounding so fast.

"Nope I guess you have to deal with a talking wife for the rest of your life now?" I mumble looking up at him.
He grins throwing his head backwards then back to me again. "Unlucky me" he says sarcastically.

*knock* *knock*

We back away from each other. Adan steps inside looking between me and Ezra. "Sorry." Then he turns to only Ezra. "We need to talk, like right now" he says. "Oh I'll leave" I say and step out to let them talk alone.
I can still feel my face burning from how close we were. I try to calm myself.

I go downstairs to get some water but when I turn around stands 3 people in black masks. I stop in place.
They start to move towards me and I scream as loud as I can. "Stop, wait who are you guys!" I yell. They grab me and it all happened so fast. The person holding me places a white napkin on my nose. I feel dizzy. My eyes getting harder to keep open. My body not able to move.

"Help! Ezra!" I try to scream but fail. I feel as my body goes numb and everything goes black.


Adan keeps talking about why I never shot them and what will happen now. That my enemies will know what my weakness is. That I've let everyone down. But I can't concentrate right now.

"Shhh" I say as I put my hand in the air for him to stop talking. "This is serious man, you put your safety in risk, for her?" he says.
"Did you hear that?" I ask because I can swear I heard someone scream. "Stop being paranoid"

I run out and downstairs a broken glass is on the floor. "Amelia!" I scream looking for her. I run back up to look in her room. Not here. Shit. Adan comes up to me and touches my shoulder. "She's fucking gone" I tell him out of breath. "Easy, she can't be too far we will find her" Adan tells me.

I run back down and see my guards on the floor. They have been knocked out. Fucking hell. "She has been kidnapped! Find her Adan! Fucking find her" I yell. My heart beating so fast almost like it's about to pop out. It hurts. Why does it hurt. She can't be gone.


It's been a week. We haven't found her anywhere. Every fucking one is looking for her and still I haven't found her. I'm going crazy. She could be dead. No I can't think like that. I've canceled all the work for everyone. Their only job is to find Amelia. And I won't stop looking.

Ever since I've met her I've felt like I had to protect her. I need her close to me. Need her to talk to me.
This week has been hard. I've realized how much I loved her talking about some random things. Her touch making me crazy. How her smile lights up my days. I haven't been able to think about anything else than her this whole week. And it's my fault. Everything. To even think I could be happy for once. I've put her in danger and I will never forgive myself for that.

Adan comes up and tells me he got something I might like.
I follow him to the basement. There is a man sitting down. "This guy tells me he knows where she is" Adan says giving me hope. A feeling I should never feel. Hope. All it does is letting us humans down. But I still got it. I walk up to him and take a seat on a chair in front of him. "Where is she" I demand.

"Who?" He teases. "Don't act fucking dumb, you tell me where she is" I raise my voice getting him to jump in place.
And like everyone he wants something in return. And usually I kill those who wants something from me but this time I'm willing to do anything. "What do you want?" I ask and his answer is fast.
"You give me 50 thousand dollars and I'll tell you where she is" he says. Fucking bitch.

"Fine." I say. We make the deal. I give him a check with 50 thousand dollars and then wait for his answer. "Where the fuck is my wife" I demand. "At Ronald Munsons mansion" he says and just like that I walk out and gather all my guards. Of course I will kill this man later I just have more important things to do now. We all drive to the location Amelia is supposed to be in.

So our girl got kidnapped!

But can we like talk about how they were so close to each other. Amelia sure knows how to tease Ezra.

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