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"Wake up! Amelia wake up" a manly voice says touching my shoulder.

Opening my eyes I look up at Ezra. "What the hell are you doing in my house" I yell backing away from him. "We need to leave now they are looking for you" he says taking my arm and lifting me up.

His touch so soft against my skin. His beautiful face staring at me. "Do you trust me" he says and I hesitate when I say

"Come with me then"

I wake up in sweat. Feeling so extremely hot I get in the shower. I stand under the cold water thinking about why he keeps invading my dreams. It's not fair. For him to move on and me still weeks later dreaming about him. What is wrong with me. I have to do something to forget him.

I go to work early in the morning. Mia knows something's up because she keeps asking me how I feel.
On our brake I go to the staff room and sit down. Mia comes in and takes a place beside me. "Hey, how are you feeling" she says and I take a deep breath.

"I don't know" I say playing with my hands.

"You know you can tell me anything" she smiles.

"You know the boy I married" I start. "Ezra?" she says.

"Yes him. I keep dreaming about him and it won't stop, he's been in my head since I left and won't leave" i say and Mia doesn't answer.

"I know it's stupid..." I say when she interrupts me. "It isn't stupid, you had feelings for him didn't you?" she says and I nod slowly.
"I feel so stupid when I keep seeing him everywhere, when I know he is sleeping with other girls right now."

"Well there is only one thing to do if you want to not think about someone for a night" Mia says standing up.
"And what is that?" I ask.

"Party of course" she laughs. "We are partying after todays shift and you can't say no"

"I don't know if that's a good idea" I say but she's  not listening. She keeps telling me why I should go and why it's good for me. I laugh when I say "fine, just stop I'll go"

"Yes!" She jumps out of excitement.

We make milkshakes to 8pm and get ready to go out. Mia always brings her makeup to work just in case something like this comes up. I put on my shorts and a white tank top exposing my chest area. When we are done we get going.

"Where are we going?" I ask Mia as she drives her car.
"It's a party at the beach it'll be fun" she says and we both are quiet for a while listening to some music. "Can you believe this is our first ever party together?" She says excited. I smile as I shake my head.
"Will you be drinking?"

"No I'm driving, but you can if you want" she says. "I think I will only take a glass or two" I say because I don't usually drink that much. Getting out of the car I see a lot of people. From 17 to 20 year olds in one place. We get to the car that gives out some drinks. I take a glass for myself and Mia takes a coke. We go to sit down on the sand. There is a fire pit in the middle of the beach and everyone is talking and dancing around it.

After a while a guy comes up to hit on Mia. They talk a lot and I don't want to disturb them so I stand up. "I'm just getting another drink" I tell Mia and she nods. I get back to the boy who had all the alcohols. "Hey, what would you like?" He asks. "Don't know just give me something strong" I say and he gives me a glass. I give him some money for the drink and go back to the fire pit.

I drink up my drink and start to feel dizzy. Gosh what did he put in this drink. When I'm about to sit down a blonde guy comes up to me. Holding out his hand he says, "Want to dance?" Reminding me so much of Ezra when he asked me to dance at the ball. But I push that thought far away and nod to the boy. He takes my hand as we move to the group of people dancing.

I dance for awhile with the guy. His name is Pete and seems like a good guy. "Hey Pete?" I shout since the music is loud. "Yea" he says bending down to hear me. "I'm going to get a drink" I say and he follows me up. "Hey you again" the drink guy says.

"Yea me, I want another of that strong drink" I say pointing at myself.

"I don't think you could handle another strong one let me give you a..." I interrupt.
"I want it" I say giving him a smile. He hesitates but gives me another glass. I take it and pay him. The stronger the easier to forget.

"Aren't you going to take anything?" I ask Pete and he shakes his head. He said he already had a lot. "Want to dance some more?" He asks and I nod. Drinking my whole drink in just seconds.
"Whoa that was fast" Pete says surprised. "I'm fine let's dance" I say taking his hand in mine and walking toward the music to dance. I don't recognize myself.

I throw my arms up in the air dancing. Pete comes closer and keeps on dancing. He spins me around and I press my back up on him. Moving my hips on him. He grabs my ass and I turn back around because I don't want him to do that. I don't even know what I'm doing here with a guy I just met. Our bodies touches as his hand comes up to my neck.

Without thinking I press my lips to Pete's and we make out. We break the kiss and Pete starts to kiss my neck moving down to my chest. When I turn my head I spot a person watching me. His eyes as dark as the night. As beautiful as the stars in pure dark. It's him. I know it from miles away and the only thing I know to do is to turn to Pete and press my lips back onto his. Making Ezra watch everything.

Are we jealous now Ezra?😏

Are we ready to see another drunk Amelia in the next chapter?

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