Avatar The Last Airbender (Film)

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The Theroy: Avatar The Last Airbender the movie is really just the play from S3E17, "The Ember Island Players"

If you're anyone other than by dad, you probably know how butt-terrible M. Night Shamalyan's adaptation was (although I heard the studio was to blame for the changes). All the same, the fan base is still seeking closure from the wounds this movie inflicted upon us. This might just be that closure.

The Proof: "The course of the movie almost perfectly follows the progression of the theatrical play put on during this episode. This would explain why it got so many details wrong, such as pronouncing Aang's name and grossly misinterpreting the characters' personalities, while also being ridiculously over the top and melodramatic.In short, M. Night Shamalyan trolled us all, pulling another plot twist by making people think he was adapting a beloved TV series, when in fact his movie encompasses only one episode."
*from Reddit

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2015 ⏰

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