Game On 😈

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Kirdapan's Mansion ;

When Mrs. Lin and Ohm entered the house they got welcomed by three hyenas who was sitting on their sofa while staring at them weirdly especially Ohm. Nanon was sitting on middle while Milk on right and Mr. Khun on his left side while folding their hands up to their chests and crossing their legs like Mafia's.

"WHAT" Lin snapped at them because they all are behaving so arrogant today while glaring at them.

"NOTHING" three of them said in unison while mischievously smiling at them.

"So Ohm these three are my childish hyenas" Lin said while pointing towards them. Making them pissed.
"WE ARE NOT" three said in unison while walking towards her and Ohm.

"So from now on he will teach you some manners Nanon. And I don't want any arguments on this got it" Lin said while glaring at them by seeing her anger three of them start giving her puppy smile.

"Of course mom i don't have any objections. I know you are all doing this because of my welfare" Nanon said while being innocent pretending to be a obedient child. Making Khun and Milk chuckled. They received a death glare from Lin.

"Are you guys planning something" Lin asked them suspiciously while raising her eyebrows.
"OF COURSE NOT" they again said in unison.

Nanon was glaring at Ohm with small eyes. Who was avoiding his gaze feeling guilty.

"Hi my name is Ohm Pawat chittsawangdee. From now on I will be your bodyguard, teacher, trainer, driver everything" Ohm said while extending his hand towards Nanon for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you. I am Nanon korapat kirdapan" Nanon said with full sarcasm while shaking hands with him.

"Welcome to hell pervert uncle" Nanon whispered audible for Ohm.


"ALEX" Lin called her servant named Alex.
"Yes Madam" he said while running towards her.

"Listen go to Ohm's room and tell him about our breakfast time" She said ordering him while reading some food recipe books.

But they don't know about that three hyenas already there and listening to their conversation sneakily while giggling.
"Game On" Nanon said with evil grin.

Alex was going to enter Ohm room but suddenly got kidnapped by three hyenas. He was going to scream but Nanon immediately clamped his mouth and they pulled him into Nanon's room. Once they entered the room they shut the door quietly.

Alex turned towards them and shocked to see that they all are smiling at him weirdly and checking him out from head to toe like he was some kind of spectacle or something.
Making him backing away from them.

"Stop your tracks otherwise we will kick you out from your job" Milk said while threatening him.
By hearing their threat he stopped his steps. They all are walked towards him and start circling around him.

"From now on you are in our team got it. We are going to give you a task now" Nanon said with smirk.

"Yes if you dare to oppose us you will be kicked out" Milk said while glaring at him with small eyes. Making Alex gulped in fear.

"W-What d-do you guys want me to do" He said nervously while shaking in fear.

"Don't worry we are not asking you to murder someone. Just go and tell Ohm wrong time"Nanon said with cold voice.

"B-But Madam.." He was going to say something but Khun stopped him.

"No but's just do what we says if you don't wanna loose your job" Khun warned him. They all circling him like he was their prey. Making him all dizzy because they keep on moving around him in circle.



Kirdapan's Family daily do their breakfast at 9:AM. So Nanon told Alex to tell Ohm that they do breakfast at 10:AM. So now Ohm is late for breakfast and Mrs. Lin was waiting for Ohm and then she asked Alex why didn't Ohm came down till now. A punctual man like Ohm can't be late for breakfast when she already told Alex to inform him time.

"What happened mom where is your well Mannered and Punctual Man. Why didn't he came downstairs to have breakfast or maybe he is still sleeping peacefully" Nanon said sarcastically pouring fuel on fire.

"Alex did you really told him the right time" Lin asked Alex while knotting her eyebrows.
Alex looks towards the hyenas direction he received a neck slice sign from them making him scare.

"Y-Yes Madam I informed him the correct time" he lied because he don't wanna loose his job.


They all were done with their breakfast except Lin because she was waiting for Ohm. Soon Ohm came downstairs fully ready with his formal clothes exactly at 10:AM.

"What is this Ohm you are late for breakfast. Alex didn't inform you that we ate are breakfast at nine why are coming at ten" Lin said disappointed she didn't expect him for being late.
By seeing her disappointment at him three hyenas start chuckling.

"What at nine but Ale..." Ohm said shocked this is the first time in his life that he arrived late he was going to say further but got cut off by Nanon.

"Oh please now don't make any excuses accept it that you are irresponsible and careless person" Nanon said while taunting him.

"Nanon! Ohm this is your first time here so I am not scolding you. But from now on don't be late" Lin glared at her son and then turn her gaze towards Ohm and told him to don't be late again.

"I am sorry aunty from now on I will keep this on my mind" Ohm said in low tone while walking towards dinning table he sat on chair while glaring at Nanon who was chuckling at him. Ohm was trying hard to suppress his anger he can explode anytime.

"War Begins now" Ohm mumbled while clenching his fist glaring at while Nanon with full rage.


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