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(Idk wae but i present you guys a doraemon bgm to listen while reading this chapter 😂 also finally y/n's pov!)


When I opened my eyes, I could feel too brightness. I squeezed my eyes a few times to get adjust with the light. I could see a white ceiling. It is not my first time to wake up. I was already up when Jungkook oppa, Jimin oppa, Yoongi oppa and Jung hyun oppa was here. When Anna decided to end my life.

This is the third time I open my eyes. First was when Anna tried to kill me but my brothers came, second when yesterday when omma and appa came and third now. I could feel my heart beating fast. I still can't believe how Jungkook oppa couldn't believe even after reading my diary. At least he should've told them that until I wake up, they shouldn't come into some conclusions.

Instead he told them that Anna can never do this. Then did I lied? Did I lied about everything in my journal?

I sighed as I put my right hand on my left arm and caressed it. Anna........one time when omma went to washroom, she put her cigarette on my left arm and burnt it a little. That was the time when I got my consciousness back. From then, I could hear each one of them. I desperately tried to move my fingers at least but couldn't.

But that day, when Anna came to kill me, my mentality was too strong so I eventually could move my hands and open my eyes. But she rushed out with her minions when she heard my brothers's voices. I was to tired to talk, since it took a lot of physical strength for me to move my arms. So I fell into paralysis again.
I looked at the clock. It was 6 o'clock in the evening. Tomorrow is the day when I will leave this hospital. Nobody till now knows about me being regaining my conscious. The doctor just comes and checks my vitals once in a day. I pretend to sleep.

I made my mind up, tomorrow I will leave as silently as I can. I need sometime alone. One of my main problem is solved. Which is Ara. Omma is now treating her well. Even Jungkook oppa and Jung hyun oppa are also treating her like their own sister. So it won't be a big problem if I leave right?
I quickly closed my eyes when I saw Jung hyun oppa coming. Oppa has been nothing but so sweet to me till now. He even argued with Jungkook oppa that day. He has been sleeping in my cabin everyday from the day I was in coma. I wish I could just hug him tightly.

'Good evening princess. I brought some banana milks. I know I don't like it that much but I guess it will make me think like you are here. Well, of course you are here.'

I could hear him chuckle lightly. He came to me and caressed my hairs. I could feel myself go red because of the affection.

'This is not good Jung hyun.'

I remembered the voice......It was Hyejin onnie! where was she till now?

'What are you saying babe?' Jung hyun oppa said as he removed his hands.

I could hear them sitting in the couch where Jung hyun oppa sleeps. Hyejin onnie sighed before continuing,


I feel my ears perked up after hearing oppa's name. I gave my full attention to the conversation between them. I know I am still weak and can loose consciousness at any moment but I need to hear it!

'What about him?'

'Don't give me that look Jeon! I have read the article.' I could hear onnie's disappointed tone.

What article? What happened? Is oppa okay? I know he is abroad for concert! Did something bad happened?

I could feel my heart beating fast because of the tension I was feeling for my other half. My mind is spinning. I guess I will loose my conscious soon.

'Hyejin, you very clearly know that it is not true!' Jung hyun said.

'What is not true huh? That he doesn't like that Anna Stark? Or he didn't defended that Anna Stark or that article where Anna Stark revealed that they are fucking dating!'

That's it.
I opened my eyes and saw the birds chirping outside. I looked at the clock. 6 o'clock. I was out for 12 hours straight. My mind went back to last night's talk.

How could he? How can he? How the fuck did he do this!

I didn't tried to hold back my tears as I slowly whipped my tears away. I at first tried to calm down my broken hurt. Then, I tried to shook my head, then my arms and legs to loosen them. After that I tried to get up.

After a successful 5 minutes's struggle, I finally got up. I looked at the cabinet. There stood my bag with my phone and identity card.

I tried to walk for a few minutes to steady my walking. Jung hyun oppa had a conference meeting call. I knew it a few days ago. That's why I choose today. I took my phone out from my purse and looked at the hundreds of comforting messages. Most of them were from ARMYs who somehow found my Instagram account and Weibo account.

I smiled as I looked at those messages.

'Get well soon onnie!'


'I saw the RUN episode today! Can't believe you outsmarted everyone! ㅋㅋ'

'Wake up soon! The boys always talks about you!'

'You should die!'

I frowned. It's not like I always get good replies or comments. But that account....It was Anna's. That name was familiar. She used to call herself Barbie. And that username had Barbie as her username.


At that moment I saw that article. The whole world was shaken by it.

Jeon Jungkook and Anna stark dating!

'How can he date when his twin is in her dead-bed!'

I looked at that comment. This person really read my mind. My heart was totally broke by now. I went to the shoe reck and took out a hospital slippers. I put my brother Jung hyun oppa's spare coat which was hanging in the cabinet. Since it is too cold outside.

I took the pen from the table and wrote a letter for oppa.

Dear Hyunie oppa.........

(Note: the letter will be reveal in the next chapter:)

I put the letter in the table with his book which was laying right beside the notepad. I took my purse and grabbed the hotel scarf which was a giveaway for the VIP patients.

I sighed. Gathering my courage, I hold the doorknob and twisted it around before opening the door. I walked outside of the room and turned left to walk to the elevator.

But before I could fully pass the hallway, I froze when I heard,

'What are you doing here?'


(Updates will be slow this month because of my exams. But from October I am fully free until the end of this year:D)

T𝕙𝕖 Jeon Ƭwιɴs |𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚔 ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ 🄰🅄 ft. 𝔹𝕋𝕊|Where stories live. Discover now