Ghost of Tomorrow

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Everyone else paced around the room. An uneasy feeling fell on everyone. Sofia had gotten some donuts and coffee to drown out her panic. Ryan and Rivera were on the bench, Praying that everything would be Okay. Rachael was mindlessly walking back and forth.

"Dad? Dad!" Raven runs up to the room, tears already falling down.

"Dad, get up please! Wake up!" She screamed.

Ryan pulled her back.

"Kid. Kid! Listen! Your dad will be fine. Give the man some space." He shook her.

"Get off me!" She yelled as she struggled to break free of his grasp.

"Raven, Your dad will be fine, Okay? He's resilient." Sofia said, About to cry.

Raven Fell to her knees.

"How do you know he'll be fine?! He was in a bombing!" She sobbed.

"I know, Pumpkin, But this is what we can hope for. Please?" Rachael looked at Raven, Crying.

Raven got up and left the room, finding a quiet corner to cry in. Rachael was about to go after her, but Sofia and stopped her.

"Let her go. She needs to grieve too. We all know he won't make it." Sofia said.

"Don't say that Sofia. He will."

"And you can't possibly think that he would survive while he was in the car, Do you?"

"Well what do you want me to do?! He's my husband!"

"Your EX-Husband, Rachael. And maybe he wouldn't have this fate if you weren't so selfish!"

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Girls, Stop!" Rivera yelled.

"No! She needs to hear this." Sofia said.

"You, Of all people, of all of us, had a beautiful child. A gifted young girl who had a bright future, but you left that all behind all so you can continue training the next generation of elite agents who would carry on with Phoenix while the rest of us swore we were done with it. You, Of all the people here, Put Finn and Raven in the most dangerous position!" Sofia yelled in Rachael's Face.

"I-" Rachael opened her mouth to protest.

"You What? You Can't even see that what you've done all these years put your own family at risk!" Sofia jabbed her finger right into Rachael's Shoulder.

"ENOUGH!" Rivera yelled, seperating the two.

"Is this what Finn wants?! More arguments? More fighting? He made his choice, Rachael made hers. End of story."

"Whatever. I need another donut." Sofia Said, Bumping into Rachael on purpose.

As Sofia walked out of the room to head to the Bakery nearby, Rachael looked at Rivera.

"Thanks." She said.

"Don't. Sofia is right. You are selfish. You put the people you love at risk. Finn suffered today and he may end up paying the cost for your selfish decisions." Rivera sat down, Going back to praying.

Ryan didn't say anything. He just sat down beside Rivera to comfort her, hugging her and giving her kisses on her head. They were married, after all.

Rachael walked out of the room, then exited the hospital.

"Rose." A voice perked.

Rachael looked up. It was Flynn.

"How do you..." She began to ask.

[WIP, On Hold]Entry Point, Operation:TridentWhere stories live. Discover now