Ch1- you are just a vessel

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An emaciated young man with drooping eyebrows and an indifferent expression stood by a vast pool of black water. However, his mind was a mess of echoing words, with a single phrase that continued to repeat again and again, raging through his thoughts like a storm: I still prefer the way you look when you are quiet, Fan Jialuo.

"Quiet? Oh, when have I, Fan Jialuo, ever been quiet?" The young man gritted his teeth, whispered an unintelligible word, and slowly clenched his hands into fists, as if trying to suppress his emotions.

Yes, Fan Jialuo was suffering from a bout of mania. Since he had first fallen ill at the age of seven and strangled a pet kitten with his bare hands, he knew very well that he would never attain peace during this life. His body was like an active volcano, on the verge of eruption at any time. It didn't matter who he faced, as long as they angered him just a little, it would trigger his mania and cause him to fly out of control.

Fighting, brawling, street racing, shouting, screaming, and dancing wildly were all normal for him. He could be picking up a bottle and opening it for others in one moment, and suddenly laughing for no reason in the next. His mood was like a pool of magma, always bubbling violently, emitting hot poisonous smoke, ever active and never silent.

Only in front of that man would he be able to restrain his rage and pride, and bow down willingly. But even so, he was in conflict. How could he be content to just stay quiet when it would require all his strength to attract the attention of the other party?

"I see. You're not talking about me at all. You're talking about those stupid people, right?" Fan Jialuo began to ponder, "You like me when I'm quiet, yes, I will change for you, I will become the person you like..."

At last, he raised his drooping eyebrows, and his face morphed into a twisted and crazy expression. No one knew that aside from his bouts of mania, he was also a person harbouring multiple personalities. There were maybe twenty of them hidden in his body. No, thirty? Or was it forty different personalities?

In fact, even he himself couldn't count how many of these personalities there were, but as the master, he abhorred the idea of his body being controlled by these so-called sub-personalities. So he played around day and night, trying to reduce the amount of time he spent sleeping in order to suppress these sub-personalities. He was the master of this body; the rest were just inconsequential rubbish!

However, even if he was vigorous, there would always come a time when he would become tired. Occasionally, when he was too fatigued and fell into an unwilling sleep, these sub-personalities would emerge and explore the outside world. There were several sub-personalities who were just as crazy as him, but there were also those who liked tranquility.

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He did not know which personality had attracted that man, to the extent that he had uttered such a sentence, but it did not matter. Didn't that person like him when he was quiet? After he engulfed all the sub-personalities and thoroughly integrated their memory, skills and character, he could also pretend to be exactly like that.

Vb atja nfgs cluta, Mjc Aljieb gfmflnfv vffq tsqcbrlr agfjawfca ogbw j qrsmtbatfgjqlra jcv kfca lcab atf qjijmf tlvvfc lc tlr wlcv, gfjvs ab wjrrjmgf atf batfg 'tlwr'. Lf vlvc'a xcbk atf rqfmlolm cewyfg bo rey-qfgrbcjilalfr tf tjv, yea la vlvc'a wjaafg. Cr ibcu jr tf vfnbegfv atf njra wjpbglas bo atfw, tf kbeiv ujlc atf qbkfg ab vbwlcjaf tlr lccfg kbgiv. Ca atja alwf, tf kbeiv bcis cffv ab vfragbs atf qjijmf ab xlii jii atf gfwjlclcu tlvvfc 'gjar'.

By the time he reached the black pool, he had already killed twenty-four sub-personalities, and there was a voice in his heart telling him that if he swallowed the last one, he would gain the power to destroy this world. He originally wanted to bypass the black pool to find his next prey, but inadvertently discovered a jade-white, slender and bare figure sleeping tranquilly at the bottom of the pool.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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