sudden hangout

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"hey y/n!"

You heard from behind, you flinched and turned around to see smiley grinning at you and angry behind him with his resting bitch face.

"hey smiley!!"

you said cheerfully and hugged smiley, smiley hugged you back tightly and giggled.

You let go of him and looked at angry.

"aaand hello souya!"

you said and grinned at him, you always remembered how angry didn't like physical touch and didn't like hugging so you always just waved at him.

"hey y/n"

he said smiling slightly, you smiled back.

"okayyy can we please go to the convenience store? Im craviiing ice cream"

you said and walked back so you could be in both smiley and angry's sight.

"let's go already!!"

smiley said and began walking to the convenience, you went slow so you could catch up with angry.

Smiley was really good at keeping in touch with you but angry on the other hand.. you didn't even know he had a phone because of how inactive he is.

"sooo how are you?"

you asked angry, angry looked at you with a blank look on his face. You could never tell how he was feeling due to him having just one facial expression.

"uh im good, how are you?"

he replied walking with you with his hands in his pockets and looking at the floor, you looked at him and smiled before answering.

"I'm good but I missed you"

you said in a flirty tone and smiled innocently at him seeing if he would've blushed.

He blushed trying not to smile to keep his facial expression blank but failing, you giggled.

"how's school going then?"

you asked trying to avoid making him feel uncomfortable.

"we go like a day each week, you tell me"

he said and scoffed, you laughed but it turned to a concerned look.

"you can't just skip school 4 days a week angry"

you said irritated, he looked at you confused.

"okay mom"

he said and giggled, you laughed.


you heard from the convenience store, it was smiley. You and Angry laughed at smiley whining and began walking faster

"smiley! we're here"

you said after arriving at the convenience store, you looked around for smiley and found him flirting with the cashier.

You saw him giving her his phone number, you giggled and pointed at him for angry to see.

"smiley trying to pull"

you said and began laughing, a few seconds after angry began laughing aswell.

You had always been down thinking that angry never laughed or smiled, Angry has the most beautiful and charming smile and laugh you had ever seen.

"angry, why don't you smile more?"

You asked him with a concerned face, He looked at you with a suprised expression but went back to his blank face expression quickly.

"i-I just don't like my smile"

he said and looked really sad after answering your question, you looked at him with an angry look.

"You have the best smile I've ever seen"

you said and blushed looking at him, he looked at you suprised and began smiling.


he stuttered, you giggled at him and smiled brightly, you were about to say something but got interrupted—

"hey guys!! I bought ice creams!"

Smiley said and smiler as he dangled the plastic bag with 3 icecreams and some drinks.

"that's not the only thing you did"

You said as you took one ice cream, angry giggled and took a icecream too. Smiley looked at both of you and began laughing nervously.

"soo do you like her or what?"

you asked and took of the plastic wrapper around the ice cream, smiley looked at you while blushing.

"uh- yeah I guess"

he said and rubbed his neck nervously, you giggled and took a bite.

at home

You had just arrived home, angry and smiley had walked you home to make sure you made it home safe.

It was really fun hanging out with smiley and angry, it was always fun hanging out with them since they were both complete opposites and smiley was always chaotic teasing angry.

You had just finished getting ready for bed, if it wasn't school tomorrow you would probably stay up for atleast 2 hours.

You were in bed stretching your legs and arms, you were exhausted from today, you had walked atleast 10k steps so you were ready for bed.

You went on your phone to see if you had gotten any messages, you saw a message from keikei<3


goodnight y/n

good night keikei<3

You replied blushing, baji always texted you goodnight and good morning which you really liked because it felt like he really cared about you.

You put your phone on the nightstand, turned off the mushroom lamp and layer face sideways in your pillow.

<3 goodnight <3

To be continued

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