The Leaking Pipe

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While sitting in his car, far away from his cozy, warm home, Jungkook kept hitting his head on the steering wheel in front of himself, trying to make this uneasy decision more rational inside his empty head.

Should I go in...

Why would I?

It's not like he was in relationship or even in deep, deep love with his ex, but the fact that he was in a steady relationship only seven days ago, and now, while hiding in his car, spying on his ex girlfriend who was supposed to me mourning the loss of an incredible man (himself) that she could've had next to her if she didn't decide to break things of between them in the most inconvenient way (while having dinner together with all of their friends) Jungkook couldn't help but wonder why his two years long relationship was over in such short notice and in such a cold way.

He just needed to know some answers cause, Jenny, his ex-girlfriend, the love of his life, (or that's how he imagined his lover to be for at least a month while they were dating), never gave him any valid and real reason behind her sudden decision.

I just think the best thing for us is to break up...

So she had said and Jungkook, the dummy that got caught up in the middle of breakup while slurping on his cold noodles, only nodded, while murmuring an unsure little, okay...

Can you at least tell me why?

After the unpleasant dinner that went on even after they broke up in the middle of it, Jungkook was curious to know at least what happened to them.

He knew they had some ups and downs, but so did everyone, and mostly people talk about their problems, some even consult a couple's therapy, some talk to psychiatrist, some go to fortune teller, but they did none of those things so Jungkook asked himself if they really had given they all to make this work.

The fact that you don't even know, it's a reason enough.

Jenny had said while shaking her pretty round head, prodding holes through Jungkook's head who obviously said the wrong thing. Again.

Fine. I just thought I deserve to know more... I mean we were together for two years...

Honestly, he didn't even have to go into details, just a simple 'I don't love you anymore' or 'I wanna have kids and you said you don't want that so...' or any other reason that made sense.

We were together for two years and four months, but hey, who's counting? Jenny crossed her arms on top of her chest. Me. I was always counting. I was the one who took charge in everything while we were together and now you don't even know what our problems were?

I should've just stayed quiet...

I wish you all the luck Jungkook, I really do, but I deserve someone who will respect me more and who would easily give me the world if I wanted that.

And with that sentence, Jungkook's brain started functioning faster, developing some new theories inside his numb head, and only one thing kept ringing inside his head.

She found another guy...

While being consumed in his own thoughts, Jungkook didn't even realize when Jenny had left, and all he could think about for the next few days, was: Who the fuck did she leave me for?

It's not like Jungkook was overly cocky or 'full of himself' guy, he just couldn't ever imagine any of his partners leaving him for someone else. He considered himself a good looking guy (at least that's what all of his friends and co-workers keep telling him) and one thing he was proud of were his defined muscles and tattoos that covered a decent amount of his chiseled body.

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