08 She hurt Me

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"But instead with dare and dare, we aren't in the same kindergarten for truth are we ?"

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"But instead with dare and dare, we aren't in the same kindergarten for truth are we ?"

Sometimes, I have this strong urge to pull out Mona's hair and ruin her pretty face with her expensive lipsticks. I don't think she was supposed to agree with whatever nonsense the guys tell.

Showing aside my wild desire to destroy Mona, We began by planning out the entire trip, each member from both groups was handed a sheet and pen to schedule out what activities we'd do from the start to the end.

It was me and Namjoon and of course, other bugs persecuting him. Once I got my paper, Emily and Mona listed out one by one the stuff we should be fulfilling which is, arriving at the bus point, appearing at the hotel we should be booking once this ends, then climbing up the cliff, camping there for 4 days, going back downstairs, and site seeing on our way back to school. The latter was reinforced by me because site seeing was one of the academy activities we do once a year, it's when we conduct delightful competitions like photography, art and much more.

Once we were done with the plan, the boys went first and Taehyung read out the plan which made me rethink my goal of settling here after school.

"Jumping on the bus, stopping for breakfast, arriving at the hotel, attending the disco ball, going to the beach, camping there for a week I guess then what's that?! Checking out girls' tents?" he turned to his club in confusion, Namjoon rubs his face in utter disbelief while the others snickered at the girls.

"That is so sick" I immediately stood up causing Taehyung to take a step back. "You people can't even make a straight list, how the freak are you gonna handle other things?" I shouted while they were too horrified to utter something which would make sense. Check out the girl's tent. How harshly sick is their brain?

"Oh, if you are too smart tell us what you listed," asked my Manky neighbour, his nerve after giving us their crazy timetable. Clenching my fist, restraining the desire to pluck his hair out - one by one, I, therefore, listed my timetable, which Namjoon approved but others gave an expression that says too boring.

"Boring and silly just like your stupid face" Jungkook commented. I did the first thing that came to my mind. I strode towards him with the pen I had with me and I tried to slash his face but he clasped my wrist. "How dare you, stupid jackass" I vociferated scratching his face with my other hand that he found too overwhelming to trap.

He was seated and I stood right in front of him, I bit the hand he managed to keep my wrist from stabbing him, he jerked me along with his hand in pain and the next thing I see, is myself straddling one of his legs.

"you stupid clown" he roared, my heart jumped at his inhuman growl. And how dare he call me a clown. "How dare you call me that, did you forget how I booted your useless worthless nuts this morning-" I can't believe I just said that.

The crowd which surrounded us stopped yelling at us to stop and started cracking up.

Hearing my argument and them laughing made Jungkook so furious, he harshly, I mean very harshly pushed me off of him and dominated me. I stabbed him in his chest with my pen while he was trapping me in between him and the floor. And the stab- that's soothing.

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