Chapter Twenty-five: Belphegor

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The door slammed behind us and Sam put a lead pipe between the bars of the door.

    "Think that will hold?" I asked as the brothers came down  the steps.

    "Probably not. But it'll buy us time." Dean answered, looking down at Jack as Cass laid him on the floor. "He didn't deserve this."

    "Cass, is he here? Can you—can you...?" Sam asked.

    "I don't think so." Cass shook his head.

    "So, what? Chuck throws friggin' zombies at us now?!" Dean asked.

    "I don't think they're zombies, Dean. I think whatever souls  came up from Hell that they—they just—"

    "Just what? Jumped into the nearest body?" Dean finished.

    "I guess, yeah," Sam said. "Chuck—he said "Welcome to the End."

    "What does that mean?" I asked.

    "Cass? Any ideas? Can you smite our way outta here?" Dean asked.

    "No. You saw them. I would be overwhelmed, Dean. I...I don't know. They—they're ghosts, technically. Maybe we can burn their bones?" Cass guessed.

    "Burn their bones? Cass, their bodies could be anywhere." Sam said.

    "Great. So we go outside, get ripped apart. Or we starve to death in here." Dean said.

    "Well, I wouldn't starve." Cass said.

    "Good. That's great. Chuck. Man, I knew it." Dean said.

    "Sammy, what you doing over there?" I asked as I saw him go over to the wall.

    "I feel a draft," he answered. "Dean, Anna, help me with this."

    Dean and I each grabbed two pipes and walked over to where he was by the wall, the three of us whacking away at the stone and jumping back when an undead person tried to crawl through.

    Cass grabbed a large chunk of cement and slammed it down against the ground, the undead person getting squished under the stone.

    "Hello." A familiar voice said.

    We all turned around and saw Jack standing up, a smile on his face and his eyes burnt out.

    "Jack?" I asked.

    "Anna, that's not Jack," Cass said, taking my arm. "Not yours, at least. It's a demon."

    "Yeah. Sorry about that. Look, I just got here and I needed a body, so..." the demon said.

"So you're a demon." Sam said."

"Yeah. I'd do the whole eyes thing, but, uh, no eyes." He said and walked to the corner where a bundle of clothes and other stuff were.

"What the hell are you doing?" Dean asked.

The demon picked up some shades and put them on, turning to us. "Blending."

"Get out of him." Cass demanded.

"Look, I know it's weird. Okay? Where do I start? Like at the first day of school. Uh, hi. I'm Belphegor," he answered, turning to me. "And you must be Jack's fiancée. I still have all his memories."

"Hey! Don't talk to her." Dean said, shifting to stand in front of me.

He raised his hands. "Okay. I can help you guys."

"How's that?" I asked.

"I'm guessing this whole Hellmouth thing was kinda you?" Belphegor asked.

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