Middle School

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"Makayla!" The teacher snapped as she tried I wake me up from a dead sleep. There was an awkward silence in the room while I noticed everyone giggling and smiling at the large mustache drawn on my face in expo marker. I had no idea what was going on. I waited till the teacher wasn't looking, then I pulled out my iPod and looked to see what everybody was looking at. "Ahhhhh" I screamed and ran out of the classroom!

I was trying to hide my face as much as possible. I did not want this silly prank to ruin my reputation at John Braxton Middle School.

I was the only girl in the 6th grade who was not a snob, who was nice to everyone, and every body knew who I was. Everybody wanted to get to know me and be my friend. I walked up to my best friend. Adele, and told her everything.


After that catastrophe in class I had to go to related arts, which was computers. I liked computer class although, the teacher, Mr. Song, was not the nicest teacher in the school. I walked over to my assigned seat whilst everyone was staring at the huge red spot from where I washed off the mustache. I tried to ignore all the looks and whispers. I looked at the projector screen in front of me and did the assignment.

Thank god related arts was the last period of the day! I got on my bus and sat by my friend Emma. She asked me what happened earlier in school when I ran in the hallway.

"Are you okay Mak?"

"Yea. Fine." I mumbled under my breath.

The bus ride felt like forever even thought I live like 10 minutes from the school. I got off the bus and began my long, tiring walk home. I decide to go by Sonic and say hi to my cousin who works there. She gave me a free slush. "Thanks" I say.

I get home a little later than usual.

"Where have you been?!" My dad yells worriedly at me.

"No where just the walk home" I lied. I wasn't supposed to go other places without him knowing. I went to my room and did my homework. Ugh math! I don't get it when my teacher tells me I'm goin to use every bit if this information in life. Like really, I'm seriously waiting on the day that I am going to use 172,009,670,375.002•1700in life.

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