Chapter 1

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Of course, she had to bump into the Radio Demon! She was recently admitted into the Happy Hotel and stayed for a matter of weeks now. Despite the naysayers, it wasn't that bad of a place. Sure, no one had achieved "Redemption" but, she was still hopeful. A process such as this was meticulous and took its' time. Though, she wasn't counting on one of hell's Overlords, the Radio Demon at that, to be there as well. Fate was taunting her at this point - if such prophetic declaration applied in hell. There was talk, but she figured someone with high status wouldn't bother wasting his time in a run-down place such as one claiming to redeem sinners. Despite the rumors, he presented himself to be composed - polished with polite mannerisms one could have in such a damned place. Maybe that's what made him so terrifying - a powerful being always placid and calculating his target's next move and not knowing if one wrong move could breach his breaking point and have him snap anyone in half with ease. Why she had to meet him under such circumstances was beyond her yet, she was grateful that it didn't result in a second death - if that was possible. And finding out was something that she'd not come to discover. Upon running into him, she graced him with a stutter of an apology. She quickly jilted her neck to meet his stature, almost making herself dizzy from the sudden force. 

"S-Sorry..." The extraordinary height difference between the two was enough to have her cower in fear.

"Haha, that's quite alright my dear! Accidents happen." The static in his radio-like voice soothingly aired with that present smile gleaming. That was all she got before he waltzed by her and continued with his day. She figured she was so insignificant that he didn't find the need to end her. If that was the case, it made her feel even more humiliated. Still, that begged the question...

Why did she want more from him?

Each day she yearned for more than just small greetings - to get closer, to know more about him but realized that she was too afraid. Afraid to approach. It pained her to see that other residents had become comfortable around him, even going so far as engaging in conversation. Was that even allowed? He held such refined dignity, resembling a high noble who was among mere peasants.

There was one who passed a decade after his time. A man who would chat with the stag. Mostly about music from their time and how it hadn't aged well. Sometimes the two would even provide the lobby with the timeless genre - she enjoyed that and was pleasantly surprised by how talented he was. Be it from the subdued background of the serene piano to the soothing, sensual buzz from the saxophone, to the blasting, rampant fun toots of the trumpet. The view from the staircase wasn't the best but, it was the only way for her to listen without getting close. Staying hidden was best, unfortunately, the red showman was all too aware of her sneaky presence.

Another patron was somewhat of a jokester, which the Radio demon seemed to marvel at - since they enjoyed each other's hilarity and went around pranking others. To keep complaints at a minimum, Charlie decided a comedy night would preoccupy the two and ease patrons who weren't fond of their shenanigans. And it did for the time being. Another thing she admired was his unending supply of quick wit and jovial puns. The idea was a way to enjoy his presence without being too inconspicuous of her growing curiosity.

And lastly, a young female - is obsessed with the infamous radio host (serial killer by night). Skipping over the small fact that he was responsible for her death, she'd practically become his shadow. Hanging onto every word he spoke, as if it were the gospel truth, and resorted to any lengths to grab and hold his attention, despite looking foolish in the process. What made matters worse was the form that she took. A doe that painfully added to the aesthetic of the two being a couple. Day in and day out, she would go on about how they were going to "be together". Or it was "destiny" that they met again in the afterlife. Some gagged, while others found plenty of humor in her fantasy. Especially since one of the many rumors that spread regarded his preference for having a partner.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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