001. The Start Of The Chaos

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|:First Person POV:|

Where the hell is the front desk person? This is a hotel for goodness sake. Know what, ill check myself in. Whose gonna stop me? RIGHT, no one! 

|Third Person POV:|

    You try jumping over the front desk in a attempt to do a cool stunt. You failed. horribly. Getting up in shame you grab the key hanging on the wall. Being you, you try to do the same stunt. again. You fail. AGAIN. Feeling ashamed as ever, you open the door. It seems there is another door labeled 001. Luckily, this door does not require a key like the previous one. Door after door, you start to question if this is even a hotel since there's no one here. Like a dumbass bitch in a horror movie you decided to shout 


    Good going Y/N. You reach door 10, and as soon as you open the door the lights flicker. Fight or flight kicks in and you chose to hide in a closet like a coward. A black smoke passes by with this smiling face in the center of it, Good Job! Being a coward worked out for you!


    When will you learn not to yell in a eerie ass hotel? Who knows. You continue going through the doors. Stupid. Whose dumb enough to encounter a entity and NOT run the fuck outta there? you apparently.  Anyways, 10 doors later you encounter a dark room. A very dark room. Trying to find your way to the 21st door, you hear "Psst". Whipping your head around at fucking 50 miles a hour, you see this tentacle ball with 2 glowing eyes. Somehow you find this hentai looking ass "cute". You grab him like a moron. The creature look confused, and stunned. You venture forth after adopting the hentai ball, carrying him like a baby. surprisingly he doesn't bite you and just stays put. Making to the 028 room, the lights flicker again, but Rush does not come. Instead a goopy eye pokes out of the wall. You rush over to look at it closer, it also seems confused at this action and blinks at you. many times. Each door you open there seems to be more and more eyes, until you reach door 032. The eyes disappear, and there is a long eerie corridor ahead of you. You hug the hentai blob tightly as you walk down the corridor. 

   Right as you reach the door, you hear these weird slimy sound behind you. Turning around, you see this tall, goopy dude with one eye. You response to this guy charging at you is 


   Both Hentai ball AND Seek look confused and stunned. All you can do is smile awkwardly between the tension. 

  "Please don't hurt me...?" 

   Seek snaps out of his confusion and growls, how? who knows this guy doesn't have a fucking mouth. Unless he does, but you don't plan on finding out. Holding onto the Hentai ball/Screech for dear life dodge obstacles like a pro. Why couldn't you do this when you tried jumping over the desk? Because your retarded. ANYWAYS, of course you had to fall over.. nothing. absolutely nothing, you could've tripped over a bookshelves, ANYTHING. But no you tripped on nothing. Yet again you confuse Seek and Screech because of your stupidity. Seek pokes you like if he was seeing if a animal was still alive. Groaning in pain, you turn onto your back to see seek hovering over you. Seek lends out a hand out of pity. Your so stupid, a aggressive goop monster took pity on you. Congrats.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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