If Mario was in splatoon 3 but with MxM

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Sorry that I am a week and a few days late.

One day Mario was in inkopolis but he wasn't the Mario that Smg4 or Meggy knew it was a Mario who was reverted back into his gameself. Anyway a inkling was in the middle of the city holding a splatshot with red ink around the area he was looking for Mario. Then he looked up to see Mario fire ink at him and gets "killed" Mario lands on the ground and says...

Mario: Got him!

???: Aaand cut!

The camera turns around to reveal Miyamoto sitting on a directors chair while being really happy.

Miyamoto: Great work SUPAH STAR!!!

Then Miyamoto gets up from his chair, quickly walks to Mario and hugs him.

Miyamoto: This new Mario X Splatoon crossover is gonna be sooo good!

Miyamoto lets go of him and turns to the camera crew.

Miyamoto: Alright that's a wrap everyone. See you in the next 10 years for the next Mario game!

Then everyone walks away leaving everything there then Mario started walking away only to be jumped by Meggy who was an inkling again. Meggy looked at Mario and blushed at being so close to him while Mario was confused and surprised.

Meggy: *Gets up* Mario! I'm so glad to see you!! *Whispers to him* We're here to save you and-

Mario: Sorry, who are you?

Meggy: ...What? Oh! It's me Meggy! I just turned back into am inkling.

Mario: I'm sorry. I don't know anyone named Meggy. *Gets up* If you'll excuse me I need to go and save the princess from Bowser.

Mario walks away leaving Meggy on the ground confused.

Meggy: Wh-what...?

Flashback to Smg4 and Meggy

Smg4 and Meggy were in the desert signing a contract that was given to them by Phoenix wright. Meggy signed the contract without reading it and turned into an inkling.

Meggy: *Looks at herself* I'm... I'm my old inkling self...

Smg4: How...how do you feel?

Meggy: I feel... I feel... AWESOME!!!! *Walks around crazily* I'M A SQUID AGAIN! *Inks the desert a bit* AAAHHHH I'VE MISSED IT SO MUCH!

Smg4: Great! Now you'll be considered a part of Nintendo and allowed through that giant firewall!

Meggy: Hell yeah! And now we can rescue Mario and the others... Wait, you need to change too, Smg4!

Smg4: *Rubs his right arm* Right. But what the heck am I going to change into? I don't have a Nintendo IP form.

Then the camera cuts to someone holding a phone and on the phone is a man with blue clothes and white overalls.

The guard looks at Smg4 who changed into...

Smg4: C'mon it's me! Stanley the bug man!

Then Smg4 walks backwards and does something that Stanley would do.

Meggy: *Through the wall* C'mon, let him in! Miyamoto wants us for his new splatoon game!

The guard: Oh right! He's working on that. *Walks away from the entrance* Yes straight though.

Smg4: If Mario was in splatoon 3 but with MxMWhere stories live. Discover now