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It has been a year since the triwizard tournament and I was able to save Cedric and stun the dark lord. I knew he missed my first class and was late for second but I left my books in the charms classroom. I opened the door to find professor Flitwick asleep waiting for his second class. I went to my desk to see a little paper snake on his books. I picked it up and looked at it curiously but as my fingers grazed the paper it quickly unfolded to see a poem carefully written out in cursive.

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Snape is brave,

And so are you.

Orchids are white,

Ghost ones are rare,

Vines are curly,

And so is your hair.

Sunflowers reach,

Up to the skies,

The sun is dazzling,

And so are your eyes.

Foxgloves in hedges,

Surround the farms,

This castle is safe,

And so are your arms.

Daisies are pretty,

Daffies have style,

You are cute,

And so is your smile.

The moonlight is beautiful,

Just like you.

I looked at his paper dumbfounded. A poem? I've gotten many before but none this.... Sincere? I quickly folded up the piece of paper and put it in my pocket. Picking up my books I ran to transfiguration, mcgonagall waiting for me.

"Mr. Potter, my offer is still up." She stated before she turned around towards the board.

"I'm sorry professor what offer?"

"Turning you into a pocket watch."

I quickly looked down at my books in hand and rushed to my seat next to Ron. The ravenclaw class laughed until she sent them a disapproving look. I sat through the rest of the day wondering who wrote the poem and if I would find them. After dinner I snuck back into the charms classroom to put one of my books on my table. Hopefully if they give me another one they will put it in the book. I snuck out walking to the Gryffindor tower to see Hermione and Ron waiting for me. We did homework. Ron and I played exploding snap and a bit of wizarding chess. I went to bed excited for tomorrow, still wondering who gave me the poem.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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