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Warning: Content involves themes that are 18 and up. Sensitive topics will be involved. You have been warned.

It was around 4 p.m. by the time someone stopped.

My feet were tired, my clothes ripped and tattered, dirt and makeup smeared across my face, fresh tears still spilling down my face, hair disheveled with sprigs sticking out here and there.

A large truck pulls over, the window rolling down. "Need a ride?"

I knew the dangers of hitchhiking. But right now I couldn't care less.

I hop in, sinking into the seat with my head in my hands. "You look like crap."

I look up, giving a sad forced smile to the woman driving. "What happened?"

She takes off down the road as I put on my seatbelt. "I-I-I-"

Fresh tears threaten to pour from my eyes, and I let them.

Crying in front of a stranger wasn't the greatest idea. But hey. If I died now then maybe all the pain would end too.

After a second of trying to recollect myself, I wipe my face before pulling my backpack close to my body.

"M-My fiancé. H-He-He hurt m-me."

The woman reaches for a handout, setting it on my shoulder. I flinch back, but she doesn't move her hand. "J-Just drop me off at the nearest m-motel. I-I'll be okay."

She nods, smiling. "I know we just met like, two minutes ago. But do you want me to stay with you? Then in the morning, we can go to my house. It's about a six-hour drive from the nearest motel." I shake my head.

"N-No. My dad i-is g-gon-nna g-get m-me."

She nods, a long uncomfortable silence following. "Well, it's a miracle I'm not some crazy killer, huh?" A small laugh escapes me, my mind slowly easing.

I look out the window as we pass the trees, the truck finally pulling into the parking lot of a motel around 5:30.

The kind woman who I found was named Eleanor, looks at me with a big smile, handing me a card. "My number is on the back. Call if you need anything."

I nod with a small smile, getting out with my backpack. "Thank you, Eleanor. I greatly appreciate it." I walk to the front, turning back with a sigh. "Maybe next time."

Waving bye once more, I turn back and enter. The sound of tires rolling across uneven pavement fills my ears.

Pulling my messy locks up into a bun, I clean my face in the reflection of the window to get rid of as much dirt and makeup as possible. It didn't.

I finally ring the bell after taking a few breaths.

There was a long silence, no one showing up. So I wait.

After a few minutes, I ring once again. No one shows still. I finally decide to go to the magazines, trying to curb my irritation. I sat there for what felt like hours, checking my phone periodically.

Fifteen minutes pass and someone finally shows. "Hello there," the man says with a smile. I stand, all of a sudden getting nervous as his brown eyes look my form up and down.

He must think I'm a bum. "I have money, I promise. I-I j-j-j-just n-nee-eed a-a roo-oom."

Damn it. My stutter is getting worse.

Remembering to slow down, I take a slow breath before straightening myself. "O-one room please."

He nods, handing me my key. Our fingers touch, the man clenching the plastic part in his hands for a second before letting go. I take a couple of steps back, his warm eyes now seemed dark and menacing. "Th-Thank you."

I rush out of the office, looking at my key.

Room 214.

I sigh, walking up the sets of stairs in a slow mindless shuffle. My brain was in a whirl from the past week. I never pictured what happened and wished it never happened to anyone else.

I grip my arm, wiping my eyes. I open my door, looking at the older-looking room. The paint seemed somewhat new, maybe a few years old. The bed was older, being a basic twin-sized box spring and mattress with a floral duvet and matching pillows.

'Maybe I should take a shower.'

It seemed like a terrible idea, but I needed one bad. So, I strip down and take one.

The water felt amazing, but I was completely exhausted. I finish up, eating a protein bar I had taken with and head to bed.

Maybe tomorrow would be a better day.







I sit up, looking around.

What is that sound?

I frown, looking at the mirror in the corner of the room. It was tilted to the side, a small gleam hitting my face.

"You weren't like that before."

I stand up, inspecting the mirror. I went to fix it, only for the sound of a camera zoom to fill my ears.


I rip the mirror off, going slack-jawed as I stare at the camera. Someone was videotaping me.

Anger flares in my gut as I drop the mirror, marching out of the room and down the stairs. I walk through the now dark parking lot, shoving the door open.

I ring the bell, folding my arms as I try to calm myself. Maybe there was an explanation. Maybe it was a security measure?

I just hope it wasn't what I thought it was for.

The man comes from the back and I see sweat beading on his brow. "How may I help you?"

"There's a camera in my room."

His face pales.

My frown deepens, anxiety filling me as I realize what's going on. "You're a sick bastard."

I turn, going to run for the door but he was faster. Fear fills me as he pins me to the wall, the obvious bulge pressed up against my back making me shudder.

"You can't tell me you weren't a hooker. No one stops here unless it's for sex."

I gasp as he grabs at my fuzzy pants, trying to shove him off. He grunts, pressing me against the wall harder. "Don't move."

I thrash, screaming out for help as he rips at my night clothes. I finally manage to break free, shoving him to the ground before pulling my now torn clothes close to my body and run out the door.

I didn't get far before I was shoved against an old beat-up truck, sobbing as he shoves my pants down. "You can't tell me you don't enjoy this. I gasp as he unzips, trying once again to break free. "Get off of me! Someone help me!" I scream, seeing a van down at the end of the parking lot.

I scream as his hands grip at my now bare hips, pinned against the side of the truck as he grips at my hair.

Tears streak my face as he forces my arms to my sides, crying out once more before he covers my mouth and pins me to the hood of the car.

I kick at his legs, crying out as he slams my head against the car. Everything goes fuzzy for a second, my mind going blank as stars appear in my vision. Before I knew it, my hands were pinned above my head and something rubs up against my bare skin.

"Please," my voice cracks as another whimper leaves my throat.

I finally fall to the ground as the sounds of fighting to erupt behind me, scurrying away as I pull my shredded clothes to my body.

A loud crack fills my ears as I lean against the truck, a sobbing mess. The man drops next to me and I slowly look up at the towering figure above me. I launch up, wrapping my arms around his waist. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I sob into his chest, the man tense under my touch as I cry into his chest.

But everything goes dark as pain runs through my neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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