and the ramen bowl...

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( monday  —  third person )


in Musutafu, Japan. People all over the city making their way to school, work, or whatever else their doing with their life. [Name] was no different. She was currently in the teacher's lounge along with her dad/teacher, Shouta Aizawa. Hizashi Yamada there as well, not being very helpful.

"Mic this is stupid!" [Name] huffed pushing herself away from the table she was staring down at seconds before. She was currently writing a love letter to her crush, Shoto Todoroki. However, her confidence wasn't the highest at the moment.

"Calm down, it's not that difficult. All you have to do is write down how you feel and attach it to the gift! It's not like he knows it's you who's sending it." Yamada replied, doing his best to reassure her.

"He may not know it's me but I know it's me! You and Sho know, what if he makes a disgusted face while reading it? What if he doesn't like hello kitty?! What if he finds out it's me and tells the whole school, then they bully me about my feelings not being reciprocated!" She rambled.

"Chilll, Todoroki's not like that. He probably won't even care enough to find out who you are." He shrugged spinning in his chair.

"Not helping." She scowled.

"What he means is you'll never know until you send it and if he does make fun of you I'll talk to him." Aizawa finally intervened, rubbing her back. "He's not like that anyway."

"Thanks dad." She said hugging him, feeling a little bit better.

"Hey, what about me?!" Mic question.

"Thanks for nothing." She rolled her eyes, pulling herself back up to the table writing again.

"Wow kids these days don't appreciate nothing I tell you." Mic says as [Name] hit him on the head with a paper ball.

It was now 8:20 AM, [Name] was now peeking inside the room at her classmates

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It was now 8:20 AM, [Name] was now peeking inside the room at her classmates. They we're currently huddled around Todoroki, inspecting the gift left on his desk. Unaware she was the one who left the gift, or more like the dad of a daughter. Seeing all of the students asking questions she got anxious.

"What if he doesn't want it? What if he just gives it away to another girl he likes? Gosh I'll kill him if he gives it to another girl." She glared. As class was about to begin she walked through the door, preforming a ultimate mood switch.

"Hi guys!" She waved with a smile entering the classroom. "Why's everyone huddled up?"

"Someone gifted Todoroki a cute Ramen Bowl, and it's hello kitty designed! I totally want one now!" Ashido explained pulling her away from her desk to show her. Examining the box she looked in awe.

"Oh I have that!" [Name] brushed off waving her hand. "I bought mine on Almazon. They're so cute for a cheap price. Who gave it to you?" She turned towards Todoroki.

"I don't know, they just left me a note with no name on it. I'm very thankful though." He held up the letter. "Wanna read it?"

"Suree." She took the letter. It was decorated very nicely, with pretty handwritings, and hearts drawn everywhere. It had a tiny hello kitty holding a heart in the right corner of the letter.

            へ                              ‹𝟹      ૮  -   ՛ ) ❤︎       /   ⁻  ៸|     Dear Todoroki,               ‹𝟹 乀 (ˍ, ل ل                                                                                     ‹𝟹Hello!! I've had my eye on you ...

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へ ‹𝟹
૮ - ՛ ) ❤︎
/ ⁻ ៸| Dear Todoroki, ‹𝟹
乀 (ˍ, ل ل
Hello!! I've had my eye on you for quite a while now but instead of just telling you in person I decided to write you notes and spoil you with gifts! Thus leading me to get you this hello kitty themed Ramen Bowl. I see you in the cafeteria sometimes eating something noodle like? I also heard you liked soba! I've never tried it, but I hope we can eat soba together one day. ‹𝟹

"Aww they seem really sweet, do you plan on using it?" She turned handed him back the letter

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"Aww they seem really sweet, do you plan on using it?" She turned handed him back the letter.

"Yeah, another bowl to add to the collection." Todoroki shrugged, sitting the bowl back in the bag. Placing it on the handle where they can hang things from their desk.

"That's nice, I'd love to see it on day." She whispered before tiptoeing back to her seat.

Sitting down her bag, which also had hello kitty on it, [Name] sat in her seat. Sliding back the door, Aizawa entered the classroom. Grabbing his roster to take attendance he took a small glance back at [Name], who was giving him a thumbs up with a smile. Slightly nodding, he started calling names.








Starting off strong let's hope it stays that way 🫠

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