The one and only

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In my last moments all I can think about is being with my partner for 48 years, Ben. The past week all I have felt is pain, like I am trapped. People I care about talking to me and I can't answer, my grand kids seeing me like this. It hurts being like this, going through this, having to be so sick. I spent my last birthday almost dead and people around me trying to stay positive. My kids and their partners barely leave the room and the kids barely come in. I have tried to stay but I just ended up causing people more pain. I don't want me kids last memory of to be so sick. All I want is for my last moment to be happy. I hear that Mick is going to bed and he kisses me on the head and walks out of the room. I hear silence and I know I am alone, I feel like I am slipping away...

I wake up and I feel like I am flying. I see four little kids playing outside and my wife cooking and me parking my car.

I turn and then everything fades and I am flashed into another memory. I am playing rugby, sprinting down the field and going for the try. I go down and get the try. The crowd goes wild and the Australian team hang their heads in shame because the All Blacks are just too good.

Everything fades again and I am the chairman of hohepa and I watch myself donate the money for the Ben Morris house.

I am in a other memory and I see myself sprinting down an athletics track and I win and brake the record the 440 yard with a great 49 seconds in the national Canterbury athletics champions

I slip in to another memory. My first job at the age of nine, me working my way to the top and owning two successful companies. All my life's memories are coming back to me, especially the ones wear I'm happy. Then I feel something pulling me back to earth.

This has happened a lot the past two days but I know I won't be here for much longer. I am so happy Penny moved over here with his family. Mick and the kids do miss home but they are staying positive. Having Jenny come is always a treat because she is such a special lady and the kids are very lucky to have a nan like her. She is always a good laugh for me and the kids even though she complains a lot and might be a bit forgetful.

As I look back on my life I feel like it have done something to the world and I hope I have taught my grand kids that nobody is perfect and if you want something to happen you have to work your way to the top. I am now slipping away...

Authors note:
Sorry if I have made any mistakes. Hope you in joy.
This is a story about someone very close to me. That person died and sadly I had to watch. My life will never be the same.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2015 ⏰

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