Something 😽

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Kirdapan's Mansion 🏠

Three hyenas was planning something big today. But today they are not alone they have Alex the goat with them. They are all in Nanon's room sitting on his sofa.

"So what's your next plan" Khun asked while sipping his Coffee.
"Simple now I want to see him dance" Nanon said with mischievous smile.

"What dance are you serious. And how can you be so sure that he will dance for you" Milk asked confused.
"No he will definitely dance because of this itching power" Nanon said while showing them itching powder.

"Oh my God brilliant idea. But who will execute it" Khun asked curiously feeling proud to be a Satan's father.
"Of course our goat I mean Alex" Nanon said while three of them start giving him mischievous look. Making Alex gulp he raised his both hands up to surrender because he can't say no to them.

Ohm was feeling so frustrated today. He was trying hard to control his temper. He can't loose now when it's came to his disciplines. He was going to take shower he put his new clothes on his bed and take his towel and walked towards bathroom.
Unknown of three hyenas and their goat. Who was waiting for him to go inside so they can execute their plan.

When they see that Ohm got inside. They sneakily put itching powder on his clothes. And quickly left his room silently.


After taking a long shower he quickly came outside half naked towel wrapped around his waist.
He quickly changed his clothes and went downstairs. Nanon was sitting at drawing room's sofa comfortably while reading an magazine.

"Come Nanon from now on you will go College with me and return home with me" Ohm said while walking towards him. But suddenly he start feeling itchy all over his body.

"What happened Sir why are you doing an snake dance are you ok" Nanon said sarcastically with a smirk he got up from sofa and stand infront of him while folding his hands.

"N-Nothing but I don't know why I am feeling itchy. I already take a shower" Ohm said while scratching his body desperately.

"Oh my God I think you got an serious problem. But I have a remedy of it" Nanon said with serious expression.

"Really what I need it please tell me about it" Ohm said with pleading eyes he can't able to bear itchiness.

"Go straight and jump in swimming pool your itchiness will disappear and  believe me on that" Nanon said with genuine expression somehow managed to convince Ohm.
Without thinking twice Ohm take off his shirt while showing his well defined body he quickly jumped into the pool.

He came out the pool while pushing his hair's back looking all sexy. He looks towards Nanon who was laughing at him while holding his stomach. He show Ohm itching powder packet while showing his tongue making Ohm angry.

"Stay there you brat now it's my turn" Ohm said pissed he quickly came out the pool all drenched. He was approching Nanon who is now running away from him while laughing loudly.

"Don't you dare to come near me. I am warning you uncle" Nanon said while dodging Ohm who is trying to catch him.

"Don't you dare to call me uncle you little brat" Ohm said angrily he able to fool Nanon and grab him from behind wrapping his hands on his stomach.

"Leave you are making me wet go away" Nanon said while holding his laugh. He was trying to separate his hands.

"Now you will taste your own medicine" Ohm whispered in his ear with deep voice. He quickly turns Nanon towards him and Carry him in a bridal style and walks towards the swimming pool. He smirked at Nanon who is giving him shocked expression he immediately dropped Nanon into pool and start chuckling lightly.

"H-Help I-I can't swim" Nanon said panicking he was trying hard to came out from water he was struggling to breath.

Making Ohm scared without thinking he quickly jumped in pool he pulled Nanon up while holding his waist tightly. Nanon was breathing heavily he rested his head on Ohm's chest. And Ohm start soothing his back he got so scared of loosing Nanon he can't able to bear it. He heart was beating so fast because Nanon hands are on his bare chest his hands softness melting him. Suddenly Nanon pushed him away and start laughing at him.

"Why are you laughing now. I am sorry because of me you almost got drowned" Ohm said in deep voice while frowning his face. Why is Nanon laughing at him when he almost put him in danger.

"Idiot I again fooled you" Nanon said giggling he was backing away from him but suddenly Ohm pulled his wrist firmly towards him. And grabbed his waist tightly he was staring at his beautiful face his brown eyes and his long eyelashes water is dripping from his face to his plump pink lips making him so ethereal. His dimple's smile the way his white shirt got soaked in water making it see through. His smooth pale skin everything was really beautiful the way he shining in water. He can't able to take his eyes from him.

"Don't you dare to do this kind of prank again"Ohm said with blank face while pulling him more close.
Nanon was staring at his face this is the first time he noticed that fierce eyes glaring at him but not with anger it's something else. In Nanon's eyes he was looking so handsome and sexy drenched in water.

Then he noticed their awkward position his hands on his firm chest. He gulped and pushed Ohm away and give him a mischievous look and said"Look now you made an another mistake. Because of you now I am late for College ready for the scolding from Mom" he quickly came out the swimming pool and run towards his room with red cheeks. His heart was beating so fast by their closeness he can still feel his firm chest.

"What the hell are you thinking you stupid he is your enemy" Nanon said while slapping himself.


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