Twilight Wolf Call

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I was sat under the bleachers as I contemplated if I should stay there or face being beaten up. It was a rainy day and I was being chased by the kids in my year because I was different and not 'normal' to them. Who cares I don't like any of them it's all to cliche for me to comprehend. The kid being bullied till they move or stand up for them selves, would be a change but I am holding out for now, trick is to find a item to distance you from them that can not be taken away like a book or watch and similar things. I have my glasses which are just an old frame with fake lenses, I asked my parents for contacts but I have improved my sight since then but, other than just to have them as a shield from the blows I gain from the self-righteous bastards.

"Where the hell is that fucking dog?!" Yelled the Beta of the group, my older sister. We were seperated and I am the only one who sees each other as some sort of family member but who cares? She was never there for me as she was always outside the place called 'home' and, I was beaten to crap as long as she wasn't at home by mum and dad. I had to lie to her unless I wanted her to go through what I was, so I would say "I fell over" or "It's just a scratch, so don't worry" to her while feeling the ice-cold stares from my 'parents' piercing me as if to say "get away from her you little demon!" And "your just making it worse you monster!" And I would run through the woods later to get rid of the emotions a human should have in order to take the rest of the 'punishment' for nothing.

"Who cares? that fucking bitch better show up soon or I will personally go to kill her myself as your all worthless." The alpha of the 'pack' pitched as he strode too close for comfort, but didn't notice me or at least I think he didn't and I hope it's true for my own sake. I waited till every single one of them were out of eye sight and ear shot before running to my locker getting my bag and books before going to the office asking to go home because I was sick. It's not all a lie but I was mentally sick of all the herrassment I get from the 'pack of wolves'.

They have no idea what it's like to change to an actual animal every time you have too much rage, fury or anger so you can't stop it from happening, and they never shall I hope for this more than them not finding me.

I finally made it to the place called 'home' and I pulled out my key to unlock the door. "I'm home Zac." I called as I opened the door. Zac was the friendly wolf who would eat my leftover bacon in the mornings and some raw beef at night, he was a straight forward creature and was closer to me than anyone else. As I walked in I came to see a boy walk to the door and stare me down. He was like the one from when I was a small kid and with the 'parents' that I saw as I ran through the forest to let out steam. He was likely the same age as me and looked like the 'alpha' of the pack at school... Oh crap how did the alpha know my address?

"Who are you? In fact get out of my house before I call the cops." I commanded the boy who only looked at me as if I was just being stupid and needed a brain. "Did you not hear me? Or are you just here to do something you will regret?" I questioned picking up on his expression and his eyes, he just stood there for a bit longer before walking back into my kitchen.

Just great you have a strange guy in my kitchen and you don't know if he understands English either, just what you need Shira. I sighed and walked into my kitchen placing my bag on the floor before running up the stairs, changing my clothes and shoes before returning to the kitchen to see if I still had a visiter here or not. I couldn't sense their presence until I saw them, that's not good at all. "So what do you want seeing as you probably won't leave till I answer you," I asked as I wryly walked to the kettle. "I just want to ask you something important an I will leave depending on the ending." Well that's rather blunt "sure thing but what is it? I haven't got all day and the call to the cops is still in mind,"

"Are you a wolf or a human?" He asked very seriously, I could feel it from his gaze on my back but it wasn't any thing like the freezing glares of the 'parents' it had a small bit of comfort to it and that is what made me stop in my tracks and wip around bracing for a fight or beating, teeth bared at him "what do you want because I don't think you have any welcome here do you sir?"

"Unfortunately it seems to be the case... So," he stood up, paced up to me and threw me over his shoulder carrying me out of the house to the woods. "What on earth are you doing?! This is kidnapping you asshole!"

"Shut up or I'll have to knock you out and you won't be able to find the pack again unless I find someone else to get you,"

"I don't care! I'm sorry but quite frankly I am scared shitless and am likely to shift, put me down at least..." Seeing as it was true and he knew so much about werewolves his expression changed and it was easy to sense, like reading a book.

"Man your noisy... Fine but I will be holding you arm till we get to everyone alright?" He said now sympathising with me a little bit,

"Fine at least I have a bit of freedom in this decision,"

"Yeah, sorry about that but you probably wouldn't just come with me if I didn't force you to so I guess the alpha is at least a bit stupid at times," guess he was right about not going if asked but who is 'alpha'?

The boy smiled to me with a warm expression on him compared to the normal faces I saw everyday and night. I must have shown some sort of thought on my face because he suddenly went serious again and stared at my eyes, some how inspecting them and then it flicked to my hair.

He turned and walked on holding my forearm while making our way through the woods, it was full of greens being lit up by the sunlight streaming through the gaps to show a path made by animals or walkers and hikers, if any animal it would seem to be a dog or wolf path as there were old paw marks all the way there and further.

The boy stopped and turned around and held his hand out for a shake "the name is Zac by the way and I must say I do like the bacon strips you leave for me at the back door in the morning," he was grinning from ear to ear like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. Oh my god, you have got to be kidding me I didn't know my friendly wolf was a werewolf, what a discovery! Now smiling like an idiot i returned the favor, shaking his hand i begin, "im Shira, nice to meet cha Zac and your welcome for the bacon but i wanna thank you for sticking around my house if you can call it that," gaining a laugh off Zac made me feel happy just to be there until i heard the bushes rustle near by. bracing my self for an attack I turn to the direction it came from when a hand came to my face "chill Shira, its Kimberley. Kim this is Shira the girl who gives me bacon and also the alpha's new interesting topic, watch how you go or your gonna get burned," he pulled a stupid face causing us to laugh while he did a dance and jazz hands to both of us. Is this friendship? I love it.

i stood still for a while as i was inspected by Kimberley and later got her approval by a nod "well newbie, im the bad ass of the pack so dont go stealing the limelight for me 'kay?" she said but i was paying more attention to Zac mimicking her with the stupidest face i've seen in my life so i tried to stop myself from laughing out loud. Kim must have picked up on it and turned around to an innocent looking boy with puppy dog eyes on his face. which made me laugh so hard i could have cried.

For the first time i had some friends who i was smiling with and laughing with like a normal person instead of being hunted down to be beaten up by the so called pack in school. i wonder what i did to them... who gives a damn, i have friends for the first time in my life. i hope this never ends

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2013 ⏰

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