Journee Hawthrorne

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Journee POV

UGH today was Monday time for school I am so not ready to go to school always so much drama thank god I don't get involved with any of it

Journee came to take her shower and just picked out an all black outfit to wear with some white chucks on

Central High School(Minneapolis)

Journee POV

I pulled up into the parking lot it's already crowded we'll let's get this over with then

Journee locked her car door and walked up to the center of the school

Prince POV

Today was Monday start of the new week I was chatting with friends ....I was in my own little world until she walked in

Prince eyes landed on Journee as she was walking towards her locker

Ariel pulled up next to Journee and got out the car she loved school and couldn't wait to get the day started

Ariel: hey girly

Journee: took you long enough

Ariel: you know by now

Journee: when have I ever

Ariel: I know did you hear Susan got suspended

Journee: you know I'm not with that drama stuff

Ariel: I know just thought you knew

Journee: I didn't until you told me

The first bell had rung and everyone headed to class

Journee: see you at lunch

They gave each cheek kisses and went to class Journee had Social Studies first period

Suddenly she felt someone blowing a hole in her butt she got annoyed probably was some pervert but I'm realty it was prince

Journee came to her sit and class got started they had a quiz today so there was no talking

Journee looked at the side window and saw Ariel putting a note on her car ...she wonder why she wasn't in class

An hour later

Journee POV

On to my next class but first I had to stop at my locker to get my text book for economics

She came to get her textbook her and prince had the same class so he gets to stare at her the whole time

Journee greeted her teacher and came to sit down ...She began drawing in her notepad until class starts and everyone comes in

Prince POV

Ahh nobody was here but me and Journee I walked in class and sat across from her her side view was absolutely stunning

Everyone knew prince was the biggest flirt in the whole school all the girls would go crazy for him in a heart beat

Lunch Time

Journee POV

I was waiting on Ariel and there she was talking to Cassie the drama queen who's always in someone's business

Ariel POV

Ahhh there's my bestie I told Cassie goodbye and came to sit down

Journee: Cassie really

Ariel: what she's not bad...expect when she's in everyone business

Journee: yes that part

Ariel: how was class

Journee: it's fine yours

Ariel: mine was good

Journee: why did you put a note on my car

Ariel: no reason I just wanted to try it out

Journee: you know if you have something to tell me you can always come to me

Ariel: I know ....thanks that means a lot

Journee: your welcome(knew she was hiding something)

End of school

Journee POV

Finally the end of school as I was walking to my car I seen Ariel getting into the car with Cassie I rolled my eyes

Journee saw the note that Ariel left on her car she started her car up and came home for today

Journee came to get some gas before heading home because she was almost on E

A few hours later

Journee POV

I was listening to the radio I absolutely love rock music makes me happy ....I haven't heard from Ariel since we left school I knew she was hiding something from me she's a horrible liar i didn't even read the note because I seen her with Cassie

Prince POV

Journee was on the cheer team and now she's on the magazine of our school newspaper she is the best cheerleader out there

A few weeks have flown by Journee and Ariel have been distanced from each other

Journee POV

It's been a few weeks I have been distanced from Ariel because she's hanging out with Cassie a lot now ....Cassie think that makes me jealous and upset but it doesn't but it has been peaceful

Prince And the boys heard a rumor about Ariel many people didn't think it was true but rumors spread

Ariel pulled up and was late for the third time this week in a row and has detention after school

Girls Locker Room

Journee POV

Ahhh my favorite thing to do we are practicing for the basketball game on Saturday I'm so excited I'm not one of those stuck up cheerleaders who think they rule the school no no that's not in me I'm the friendly cheerleader that encourages everyone to do their best

Prince POV

We are practicing for the basketball game on Saturday so I was focused I knew we were going to win the big game of the year

Journee and the girls cheered for an hour and half before it was time to go back to class she told the girls she was proud of them and good job

Journee came to her last class of the day she only had few months before graduation she was excited

Ariel And Cassie were getting talked about saying how can Ariel become friends with her etc ...her whole attitude became nasty and fake since hanging with Cassie

People knew Journee wasn't with that fake stuff at all and will cut you out of life permanently but it didn't seem to bother her at all she had way better things to do then worry about what ariel is doing with her and who she hangs out with of course

Journee put her bag in the car and waited on Ginger to come and take her home since her car broke down then she came home to end her day

Next chapter is coming

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