001 - Stalkerish much?

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Ravn ~

It was a late evening... around midnight. I was walking down the quiet streets of Seoul to the little convenience store not far from my college campus, but we weren't supposed to leave campus passed 10 PM.

I've been sneaking off campus at night ever since I got accepted. It's a school of performing arts that I attend with my long time, childhood buddies Dongmyeong and Harin.

Dongmyeong had a twin brother named Dong Ju but he always went by Xion as a nickname his brother gave him. He stopped attending school around our sophomore year of highschool... nobody has seen him since and the police eventually gave up the search to find Xion

The twins' parents were devastated by it, I'd understand why of course... One of their sons went missing.


There was a light breeze, it was early spring so it was still chilly in the morning and at night. I walk into the convenience store and listened to the bell above the door ding as I entered

I never come to this store during night, I normally just walk passed it but tonight I was hungry so I came to get something to fill my stomach with.

"Banana chips... dried sweet potato chips... peach rings.."

I settled with a decision and I grabbed one of each and then I grabbed a coffee for the morning before I walked to the front counter and set the four items down

"This is it tonight?"

The cashier asked and since I smoked and I was 22 now I sighed and looked at the lady working

"Add a pack of cigarettes to this, please"

The woman nodded and turned around to grab what I had asked for. I then paid, asked the cashier to put my items into a bag and I left the little store.

As I opened my pack of cigarettes I heard a gunshot close by, causing me to drop the little box of the intoxicating sticks.

I looked around until I locked eyes with a masked boy, pink hair falling into his eyes. He had blood on him and he held a gun in his right hand while in the left was a stack of cash.

I stood there in shock, my ears were ringing from the gunshot. I turned in the opposite direction and took off running. I didn't wanna stick around to get shot like that poor man lying on the ground did. I heard footsteps gain on me, not long after I felt my hood get tugged and I got threw onto the ground by that little pink haired man.

My heart rate got higher and I started to panic.

"Please don't hurt me! I saw nothing! I swear!"

"What did you see?!"


I used my arms to cover my head as a shield of defense, I was breathing frantically in a blind panic. The man chuckled and crouched down in front of me, to my level.

"I'm keeping my eyes on you... what's your name again? Youngjo? Ravn?"

The man got up and vanished into the shadows, what did he mean by 'again'? More importantly... how does he know me...?

All I know is I wasn't gonna stick around any longer to find out, I got up and left quickly to get back onto campus grounds. Lucky for me the gates were left unguarded to campus most nights.

Maybe that man is why we're not allowed to leave campus at night...

I jogged my way to the elevator inside the dorm building for the students. I got inside of the elevator and pushed the floor button 2.

Once I get to my floor the doors of the elevator open and I jog to my dorm door. I fumble the keys in my hands to unlock my door, go inside and lock every door and window that I knew of in that dorm

I wasn't taking any chances or having sort of disadvantage for that boy coming back to hurt me.

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