Non-binary Jirou ^-^💜

42 1 10

Jirou's heart beats out of their chest as they put on black, silky pants. Today will be the first time Jirou wears a suit in public. They never wore a suit outside of the safety of their dorm room, too afraid people would look at them the wrong way. But today is prom, a memorable day which Jirou wants to spend in the best clothes they can muster up. Some people will say that they'd look prettier in a dress. And those people might be right if it weren't for the lack of confidence Jirou feels in dresses. After all, it's the confidence that makes someone look good - that's what Jirou learned from Kaminari. The boy doesn't give a shit about people's opinions as long as he feels comfortable in his skin. It's one of the many reasons why Jirou fell for him. Though the two students aren't dating yet, Kaminari is the best support Jirou could've wished for.

He was the one who took them shopping for an outfit for prom. He was also the one who cracked stupid jokes when the employee at the shoe store tried to sell women's shoes even though Jirou explicitly asked for something from the men's section. Kaminari not only made them laugh in that awkward situation but also managed to find an amazing pair of black leather shoes /from the man's section/. In conclusion, Jirou is more than happy that Kaminari asked them to go to prom together.

They smile up at the mirror as they put on the white button-up shirt. It looks good on them. Suddenly someone knocks on their door which makes Jirou yelp. They soon calm down when they get to hear a very familiar voice behind the closed door: "Jirou? Are you there?" Kaminari's voice fills Jirou up with warmth. They are trying to fight the blush rising on their cheeks as they open up the door for him. He grins at them. "Hi!" Jirou smiles back. "Hi, Kami." He steps inside, closing the door behind him. "Are you ready for prom?" Jirou shakes their head. "Haven't put my tie and suit jacket on yet." Kaminari hums at that. "Actually, I have something for you." He releases a nervous chuckle before he continues to talk: "The squad went to the store yesterday! I wanted to buy socks because you know... the washing machine keeps stealing my socks. In the end, I didn't buy any socks... I found something way better!" He pulls it out of his pocket and Jirou's eyes widen as she recognizes the item. Kaminari grins at Jirou's surprised expression: "It's a tie! I know you wanted to wear the red tie from your school uniform... But I figured you'd like this one as well." He opens up the box and reveals the little, silver music notes which are embroidered in the black material. "I mean, you are probably the only person that knows how to read those music notes. Besides Yaomomo. And I guess Bakugou might also know how to read them. But of course, the tie would suit you better! It even matches the black and silver chocker you're wearing, don't ya think?" Jirou nods at that. "Thank you, Denki. I'd love to wear this tie to prom." Suddenly it's Kaminari's turn to blush. "Oh uh... You called me by my first name." Jirou's cheeks heat up as well as they notice what they just said. "Well, Uhm... You are the one who made my dream of wearing a suit to prom true, so... Consider the usage of your first name as a reward or whatever." They hurry to put on the tie as well as a black suit jacket. As long as they don't have to look at Kaminari after saying such embarrassing stuff, their racing heart will hopefully calm down. "Now I am ready." Kaminari nods and takes Jirou's hand in his. "Let's go together."

Even though Jirou feels their face heating up at the motion, Kaminari's palm pressed to theirs makes them feel at peace. It's like wearing a suit, they notice. Exploring your gender identity is scary. Because suddenly there is a whole bunch of things that you never tried out, like wearing a suit. You don't know how the people around you will react. You don't know if you will like the suit as much as you want to. It's a new feeling and that alone is scary enough for some individuals to not even try it out. But there is also this thrilling excitement keeping you going. And well, now that Jirou is wearing the suit they feel safe, powerful even. It's the same with Kaminari. They don't know how the relationship with Kaminari will develop. But right now holding hands is certainly enough. Jirou feels at home with Kaminari by their side and clothed in the most gorgeous suit they own. There is no better feeling to celebrate prom with.

~ end ~

KamiJirou -  Non-binary Jirou ^-^💜Where stories live. Discover now