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Sam sat in the corner booth. The sweet smell of coffee seduced her nose and she took a sip from the steaming mug that warmed her hands. Sam's face scrunched in disgust, for although the coffee smelled delicious, it was a watery disappointment.

It was a chilly morning, with the sun hiding shamefully behind the clouds as birds chirped somberly. Sam observed the people around her and sighed. These people were so oblivious to the pain the world brought.

This morning, a red eviction note had been slapped carelessly on Sam's door. Sam was expecting it to happen at some point, but still hadn't gotten over the fact that she was leaving.

The apartment, although dingy and small, held a small place in her heart. It was where she had built herself back up into something resembling a normal human being. The apartment was special, and the memories, although some not fond, were necessary to help Sam remember how much she had grown.

Sam sighed once more and took another sip of her disgusting, but necessary, coffee. Reaching into her bag, she grabbed a large stack of papers, spread them out on the table around her and settled in. She would be here for a long time.


Sam's head snapped up at the aggressive dinging of the coffee shop's doorbell. It had been chiming softly at a steady pace for the last couple of hours as people woke up and got their usual boost of caffeine before work, but this hostile ring was unlike any other.

The person responsible for this unwarrented inturruption and who was not so gracefully announcing her presence was a blue-eyed blond. She looked to be the same age as Sam and also looked to be in a rage of inspiration. Rushing over to Sam's booth, she plopped down and immediately started scribbling something in a worn leather journal.

Sitting back, Sam watched silently as beb, the blue-eyed blond, continued her writing spree. Sam set her coffee down with a thump, in hopes it would ungracefully announce her presence as well, but alas beb was oblivious to the world around her. Minutes went by as Sam waited to be noticed, but beb contently just went on writing.

Sliding out of the booth, Sam walked around to beb's side to see what in the world she could be writing that engaged her attention so. The words were a scribbled mess, and Sam leaned over beb's shoulder to see. It was a dramatic scene, the character was breaking down as they read a note their best friend had written to them before they died.

Sam found herself getting caught in the characters greif and love and guilt, getting sucked into the past, her best friend, that night, it was all- the sound of shattering glass snatched the attention of all her senses, bringing her back to the present. Grabbing beb, she hit the deck, her body shielding the shocked blond. Adrenaline pulsed through her veins as her vision sharpened.

Glancing around to assess the situation, all she saw were the confused faces of the people at the other booths. No one was the least bit frightened, just confused. As though it was contagious, the confusion spread through Sam, and she became aware of a shattered mug on the ground next to her.

"Ahem," someone cleared their throat. Realizing the sound came from below her, Sam looked down and met beb's stunned gaze.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2022 ⏰

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