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The courses of events in this story are entirely fiction. However, the characters are inspired from real individuals that would later be stated if so. Throughout the story, the quotes are to be delivered in a complete fictitious manner. All the things that may be corresponding to real existing things (Otherwise stated) are purely coincidental and does not meant to disrespectful or harm anything and or anyone at any form, dead or living.

This story I would be writing to you is a standalone, but it may depend if I reconsider making this into a trilogy. I had never thought that the day would come when I got to consider writing an independent story, ever, but here it is to honour my late pet who I had for eight years and would always stay my 'very best friend' all along the years, Elsa, and the current events that shocks the world and continues to aspire. I hope you love it!

Honouring and remembering, you, forever

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