Chapter five, The OG Prankster and God killer are back

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"Kevin, both things you told me are coming your way, very fast." Kevin told Kyle to stop and bulk had to snap Kyle back to normal . Kyle was in pain "Ow bulk, that really hurts!" Bulk told him "Sorry but it had to ,something is about to happen. ANd I believe you want to see this action." Zach and Sliya also snapped out of it. A ring of fire and a glowing shield blocked off them from the rest of the demons.

Meanwhile with Jenny "So do you want to jump in like badasses Petra ?" Petra agreed with Jenny and they teleported on a building and gave Jenny popcorn . Kaduchka started wagging its tail,because the master was back. Lewis and his brothers opened the shield a little bit , so that Kodar and Stacey could get in. Stacey was the first to get in, She Pulled Hekabu and the other two close towards her. Her blood amour was turning into ropes to keep them in place, for what punishment she would give them. "You three , are really making me mad." Stacey's voice sounded demonic , but hekabu spat on her armoured covered face. "Oh a Pissed off demon working for the gods, let me guess Kodar trained you, before we killed him ?" Stacey started to laugh maniacally as her armor was pulling itself apart from her , her dress was dark grey and had a grekoroman style , her eyes were no longer blue but blood red. The demons were in schock, they knew that they're done for now. One of the demons said in a tone of fear " You are a Misahya !" Stacey slowly walked up to him and kicked him in the face. "I am, but let me tell you what you've made me done. You made me awaken my lovers demonic powers , made his family friends and some asshole, realise what they are, try destroying my hometown, made Kodar's student turn into a flipping hot mess, oh and killed My father friend and my grandmothers best servant demon. If it was up to me alone ,you'd all be dead where I placed ,you filthy demon scum. I'd rip your organs out slowly and painfully,I'd let you live your worst nightmares for etinarty , but I'm not pulling the strings on this execution, my grandmother is and I think you face Kodar for one last time so say your last words, nobody wants to forget a murder, knowing his last words were something stupid." Kodar entered the area, looking pissed. Stacey gave him Strawberra Misahya "It's a pleasure to meet my boyfriend's dad face to face and my father thought this will be the perfect weapon for these three." Kodar looked with his blind eyes towards Stacey "Why did he do something really stupid,by dating my boss's granddaughter ?" Stacey told him "Hey we're young ,wild and free. Now I did weaken their souls for you, so I must go before you swing that thing. Goodbye" Stacey resumoned her blood amour and teleported away. Kodar smiled at them,swinging his sword and destroyed their bodies and left their souls out in the open.

The shields went down ,Kyle, Bulk,Fritz,Pété and Jason screamed with Joy as Limé face palmed with regret. Kalmika told the kids to disappear now and leave the others hier. Zach asked his mother "Can we got the bar ?" Bav just said "yes and go." Kevin ,Zach, Slyiva, Lloyd, Raven,Rafina and Alfonso said goodbye to the gang and teleported to somewhere with a bar. Fritz said in an exhausted voice " You know we saved the world, and we still have to take our finals. I wish life would be so much easier, than the sh*t we've been through." Pété put his arm around his shoulder "Look at the bright side we are gods , so that means we can do whatever the f*#k we want. Want to hurt Jess as Kyle as an emotional moment with meeting his dad ?" Fritz Noddeed ,but as they were walking, a force shield was still up and Pété rammed into it.

Kyle wasn't sure if that is his dad, Bulk Told him to just do it. Kyle walked up nervously to his supposed father. "Uh Hi-- Uff'' Kyle was going to introduce himself but The man hugged him. Bav said "Hello Kyle , I'm your Uncle,she's your Aunt Kalmika and The man Hugging you is your dad. He's currently blind, deaf and Mute in a week or so he'll be back to normal." Kodar spoke in his normal voice "I can speak you duffus some healed me and Kyle you're grounded for a weak." Kyle was happy and confused at the same time "Uh dad can I ask why I'm grounded ?" his dad said in a calm tone "When you're older , I'll tell you." At that moment two familiar people came into the scene , "Oh Kodar just ground him for two days and then once your better will discuss this alone in private." A woman with strawberry gravity floating hair and a man with a top hat black suit and black kane , that Kyle has never seen before just appeared "Uh who are these two people Dad ?" Kodar replied to him "The god of death Mšak and the goddess of the underrealm Shalnira Nia, in other words a friend of my boss and my boss." Kyle asked Bulk ,his sister ,Fritz and Pété to come over. Shalnira Nia,Mšak , Bav and Kalmika were discussing what to do with the souls , a teddy bear , which vertical white and black and white fell in front of them . Mšak grabbed the damn thing "What in the Name of my ,is a teddy bear doing here ?" The toy spouted some random noises, before it exploded. Thank Shalinra Nia put a force shield up for everyone, except for Mšak. Mšak yelled at her "Why the fuck didn't you protect me as well Woman !" "Well i didn't want to lose all of me demons with the children ,plus you were holding the thing." Kalmika realised someone else is back to. A harlequin woman popped out of nowhere "Hello everybody.I'm Back from my coma. The OG Prankster is back in booming, now where my baby boy." Kodar had to correct her "Petra OG mean Original Gangsta , not Original God ." Petra looked at him pissed and just asked where her baby. Kodar facepalmed " In front of you woman and take of that stupid mask, so you could see him." as soon as she did she looked alot like Pété fritz said to him "Wow you and Kyle are both getting a family reunion at the same time. I think everybody else has to wait ." Pété hugged his mother crying "Maman, vous êtes finalement éveillé." Petra hugged him back and kissed his forehead. Shalinra said in a pissed off tone "Thanks for trying to kill us Petra and interrupting us on our conversation about ,what we are going to do with the three remaining souls from the god we never speak about anymore ." Petra raised one of her eyebrows at her " Well could let Me and Kodar do something to them, because they killed him and put me in a damn coma . How's that for a plan ." Shalinra agreed with that idea and gave her and kodar five minutes alone with their souls as ash talked with the children . "Now since you've been told that the majority are gods and you're a demon Kyle, you'll need training to better handle situations like this in the near future, but that won't start until fall. Just be carefully who you tell. And isn't there a spouse to be one more of you as well ?" LImé explained what type of person Jess is and why he was flung into the sky . Shalinra summoned him down and gave him a glare. "Ok so I believe Kyle's father and Pété's mother are done and the population will be coming back soon. So I see you all later." Shalinra walked towards Mšak and they teleported away, Kalmika and Bav hugged their little brother and told them where they'll be at, Jale greeted her old master with respect and had to go back on her honeymoon with Norman. Oringina and Cleo just said "Good luck with the kids.". Kodar asked where Kaduchka is , the moment he asked that Jenny came flying in on him. "Kyle I think our family just became awesome."

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