Chapter twelve .Well Bulk, this is me mocking you now, for having a crush.

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So everyday Kyle, Bulk, Limé, Pété, Fritz, Jess and Jason would train well to use their powers properly. Kyle usually got one on one training from his dad. And the others would get trained by Oringina or Bav. Kyle was sweating like a pig, most of the time. He'd usually just end it as soon as she was tired. "Dad I think we should continue this tomorrow." Kodar noticed how tuckered out Kyle was. "Alright we'll take a ten minute break." Kyle just layed down on the floor. Trying to cool down. "Dad why are you pushing me so hard ?" his father just said in a affirmative way " to make sure you can handle anything the gods throw at you." Kyle just rolled his eyes and asked one last question " how many gods are There anyway ?" his dad had to calculate this,then gave Kyle a rough estimate" about 94 gods I'd guess." Kyle looked shocked " like with my friends and sis or without them ?" Kodar bluntly said " with them. Look so gods don't know what the word no means,some were drunk and some just like to be spiteful. Very few just want a relationship. '' Kyle kind of wondered if any of the gods are married. "Are any of them married ?" Curiosity was in Kyle's voice so kodar said in a ughh manor " well follow me to the library kid . I'll show you the book." Kyle had more questions but just followed his dad to the library.

Ten million books flying everywhere across an ancient Greek inspired library. Kodar grabbed one small book flying and opened it. It was written in demonic but Kyle could only read half of it. So kodar explained how it works " so this is a book which will still be written. It marks every date of the birth of the gods, what wars the part and family tree doesn't state their names but what god they are having fun reading." Kyle started reading the book, seeing everything, he noticed by one page ,a god crossed out, this god seemed to be on the top. So it was an elder god. The other generations weren't crossed out , so Kyle asked one of the flying books nearby " um excuse me ?" The book turned around and looked at him with two letters , Kyle conducted his question " so who's the god crossed out on this page here. The book flew over and shone something so the ink would fade away. It revealed the god and what it was associated with. Elder god of knowledge, wisdom and passion. Crossed the other gods, none shall mention her name. Kyle asked another question "What did she do to the other gods,if I may ask ?" The book he asked didn't know the answer but the book ,from what he was reading, got up and talked to him. " She started a war for her own gain ,made your grandfather,kill your grandma. Forced your father,aunt and uncle to kill in defence. And attempted murder on the other gods. That's why she's crossed out. " The book sounded like a elder man. So Kyle kindly asked him more questions. " Ok why can you talk,why aren't the gods names written down ,can you tell me the god's name and why is she considered the bad guy in this situation?" The book knew Kyle was clever for his age,so he could tell him the truth. " You are determined to find the truth, so I'll tell you everything I know. I was once a demon named Azlūrū. I was one of the torchered demons, Nia put my soul in here, because my body was torn into shreds. Only one real way to die as a demon, destroying your soul. Their names aren't written, because nia felt weird writing in the names after she almost got killed by one. Her name is Slash was Limaré. Do you ever know what craving power and control feels like ?" Kyle responded with a hint of unsureness "No." The book comminuted it's story "She was like the middle child in the family, nobody cared about her ,she felt alone, she was distributed when I met her as a young child, throwing dinosaur eggs to the ground, destroying life which didn't have a chance to thrive. She was a light god,she wanted sovereignty . Not sharing any power with her fellow gods. So she planned a little war to distract her fellow gods, while she killed them with something known as the carousel." The carousel ? " Kyle was intrigued by the story so he heard the rest." The carousel was a device that rips out the soul of any living thing,even gods. But nia knew something was fishy about the war so she never participated like the fellow comrades. She planned using the surviving members of your dad's family,to take her generales down one at a time. They only left one survivor,he is now married to your aunt. Nia played up she was injured to Limaré. For a God known to be smart she revealed her plan like an idiot to Nia. Your father did the final blow fragmenting her soul, nia put her soul in a box at the bottom of the ocean. Ending the war with the execution of life at that time. Twelve demons survived that. They soon made a blood pact. Once the demons arise again,nia will be the only god to fully control them, a god shall not kill the others,or else face Kodar and his blade. About 1000b.c the second generation of gods started and the third started about 24 years ago." Kyle was distributed by that he asked one more question" how do I tell the other gods observing us apart from everyone else?" The book replied with " if you hear *Nama urs Che. They are the gods." Kyle thanked him and went to go check on his friends.

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