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^^Okay so lil backstoryy ur character is a veerry powerful goddess/god/demigod and because of your strong powers you got to take over a kingdome after your fathers death^^

Y/n = Your name
Y/p = Your Pronounce
E/c = Eye colour
H/c / Hair colour

1040 words


Today was no regular day
No today was the day a beautiful queen/king and goddess/god/demigod would arrive, y/n. Hades have heard Persephone talk so fondly about y/n and how this was the perfect chance for him to finally get together with someone.

Persephone: "I heard she knows how to control the movement of souls and knows a trick to capture escaped souls as well"

Hades: "Persephone, I trust you and everything you do but... I have never met someone else that has knowledge over death and souls like I do"

Persephone: "Uhm duh, why do you think p/n is good for you? I wouldn't of wanted you to make a good first impression if I didn't think p/n was good for you" then proceeds to roll her eyes.

Persephone had made sure Hades was in his top form, more handsome than usual. Of course this caught the attention of other goddesses and demigods all around Olympus. This made Zeus a bit jealous but he still didn't understand why Hades wanted to be so stylish today untill...

Y/n arrival...

Y/n walked like a dove, an angel on Olympus grounds. The scent of roses and Lillys following y/p trail. Hades saw this and starred in awe, like he was a kid seeing a wishingstar on the beautiful night sky. Oh that h/c silk smooth hair, baby soft skin and those beautiful e/c eyes. Hades felt weak on his knees, his heart hoppin in cirkles.

Persephone: Ehem... Uncle?...

She noticed Hades was too distracted so she tookthe first step towards Y/n.

Persephone: "Hey deary!"

Y/n: "Persephone! Oh it's been so long"

They proceed to hug and during that time Hades snaps out of it and by the speed of lightning he is infront of y/n. Touching y/n's hand gently and kissing the top of it.

Hades: "Welcome to Olympus" He smiles "You look so gorgeous"

Y/n was taken back a bit but soften at Hades touch. Y/p smiled softly at him and gave him a little peck on the cheek.

Y/n: "Thank you all mighty king of the underworld" Both y/p and Persephone starts giggling.

But Persephone does not miss the big blush that appears on Hades face, she had never seen her uncle so nervous in centuries.

Persephone: "Sooo Y/n you single?"  Hades was practically shaking in nervousness at this point.

Y/n: "Yeah sadly... It get's lonely ruling over a kingdom all alone"

Persephone: "So deary how about I set you up on a little date hm?" Persephone gives you a little wink.

Y/n: "You know what, sure what could go wrong?"

Persephone pushed her uncle when he was least expecting it causing him to trip forward landing right infront of y/n. He was a tomato by this point but he managed to mutter out " May I have your number?" For y/n it was adorable. Y/p gave him y/p number and gave a little wink to tease him. His heart fluttered and that's all he could think about for days.

Y/n left after a day to continue y/p duties in y/p palace. During these days Hades has been thinking of date ideas and for a way to ask y/n to be his. Persephone helped him but couldn't stop from teasing him here and there because it's not often she gets to experience her uncle being madly in love.

Persephone: "Just be yourself uncle. You are caring and sweet already and I don't think y/p cares about the sould and death part of your life."

Hades: "I want y/n now... I miss y/p" Hades looks down to the floor

Persephone: "Uhm unclee, hellooo you have y/n number. Call and tell y/n that you want y/p to go on a date with you tonight. We have everything ready and I can help you get some time off"

Hades: takes a few deep breaths "You're right, Let me just have a second I don't want to make a fool out of myself on phone"

Persephone rolls her eyes and after a bit Hades calls y/n.

Hades: "Hey Y/n"

Y/n: "Hades? What can I do for you?"

Hades: "You free tonight?"

Y/n: "Hmm by the looks of it I am free tonight, why?"

Hades: "Will you go on a date with me? Olympus fanciest restaurant with the best wines"

Y/n: "Haha... sounds good to me lord of the underworld, see you later tonight"

After y/n hung up Hades was up kind of fangirling in happiness over that y/p agreed to the date. He spent the rest of the hours before the date by showerin, shaving, finding the perfect parfume, the perfect suit, fixing his hair and making sure he was at the best state.

On the other side y/n was also very happy but tried to not show it too much, y/p spent time fixing clothing and y/p hair as well. (If you want makeup imagine putting it on during that time). Y/n beautiful h/c hair was put up in a neat bun with braids.

(You get to pick the outfit yourself ;)

When you were done you saw that you didn't have alot of time left and hurried to H.E.R.A to go to Olympus. Y/n was nervous and it didn't help when y/p met Aphrodite in the elevator because Aphrodite knew directly what kind of nervousness it was.

Aphrodite: "No need to be nervous, Hades has fallen for you because of what he has heard and learned about you. You're so special in his eyes. Just be yourself and I promise you will have a great time"


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2022 ⏰

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