just curious..

390 15 0

CURSING!! (Cursing is therapy sorry guys.)
Inappropriate?? Idk

Cale henituse was staring at a blank wall for hours as the kids just did their kid things (bc he doesn't know what kids do since— anyways).

Suddenly a thought came.

'Are there condoms in this era?'

He was not embarrassed over the fact that he has been single for the years of his life. I mean with the apocalypse he really doesn't expect himself to be on some romantic situation. Of course he expects people to get down dirty.. to let out their frustrations or something.

But he doesn't understand. What's the point of getting intimate with someone when you could lay down on your bed and sleep.

He has read this one novel where the main characters suddenly had sex after their kiss and apparently it hurts when you do that. (The agh~!, ngh!, and stuff just says it hurts) So what's the point.

He doesn't like pain.

Anyways, he's wondering if there are condoms because what the hell is happening in brothels (do brothels even exist?) and what if something dangerous happens without a condom.

Wait.. can women not abort kids in this era..


He's curious, really. He wants to ask someone but he seriously can't because like.. imagine someone just coming up to you and say "are there condoms?" Or maybe "do condoms exist?" Or or.. "can people not remove kids on their tummy?"

Ok. That's enough thinking and go back sleeping.

And he fell asleep.


Please don't bash me bc I'm actually curious..

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