For Justice (Death Note)

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For Justice

Uh... So yeah. More Death Note. But is there really such thing as too much Death Note? Or cake? Please read, vote, and comment. The three things that never happen to me. :)


BB died. L was upset at losing his former successor, even if he had turned into a serial killer. It was strange, the bond they had formed. So much closer than a student and teacher relationship. Besides, they were of similar age, yet it was not really a brotherly relationship. Really, it was quite similar to...

But that didn't matter. Beyond was dead. Nothing could change that.

L moped for days, weeks. Longer than he had when A died. He fell into depression. Watari tried everything. Therapy, cake, antidepressants, ice cream... Nothing worked. Not even lollipops.

In fact, for a while, the only thing L could bear to eat was strawberry jam. He just couldn't get out of the slump he had fallen into.

That was, until he found a death note.

He was walking down the street, trailing behind Watari in his beat up sneakers, when it caught his eye.

A black notebook, tucked away in the gutter. Nobody else would have noticed it. Yet when he picked it up to inspect it, it was surprisingly dry. He rolled it up and shoved it in his pocket, slowly walking back to a waiting Watari.

Back in his room, which was seldom used, he examined the book.

"The human who's name is written in this notebook shall die..."

He almost smiled. What a joke. Leaving the book on his pillow, he walked away to consume his mind with work before it realized how lonely it was.

It did that at night. The loneliness would submerge him, stop him from sleeping. When he did sleep, he awoke sobbing. Crying out for someone, anyone. Well, maybe not just anyone.

He would awake, begging for the one who took the loneliness away. The one people mistook for his twin, they were so alike. Yet they were not related, and L was so very thankful for that.

He would awake with his name on his lips, yet he never dared to say them. No, he couldn't. Not after all that happened...

L blamed himself for Beyond's death. He lost A. Shouldn't that have been enough? But no, L did not learn his lesson. He let B go too.

He let B go. He let B turn into BB, the serial killer who tried to make an unsolvable case for L. Naomi may have saved his life, but he died anyway. L prayed that it was indeed his time, and that he hadn't killed his dear B by locking him up.

A week passed. L sat in his room, examining the peculiar book again.

"There is a 2% chance this notebook is genuine... Only 2%, however 2% is larger than 1%..."

"Talking to yourself? Maybe everyone from Whammy's goes mad eventually. That would explain alot."

That voice... So familiar, yet so foreign... L turned around.

He screamed.

The creature simply chuckled at him, obviously expecting the reaction.

"What did you expect? A shinigami-less death note? Though I guess I can understand your reaction, L."

"Shi... Shinigami? But... You're..."

"I'm what? Not creepy looking enough?"

The creature chuckled again, L simply gawped. It couldn't possibly be him. Yet it had to be him, who else?

"Beyond Birthday..."

"Surprised to see me, L? Turns out being born with the eyes meant I was destined to be a shinigami after death. But hey, at least I managed to keep my looks."

Beyond looked too human to be a shinigami. Everything about him was the same... Meaning he still looked just like L, with exception of those glowing red eyes that could see when your time would be up.

The clothes had turned to black feathery rags, with a wide silver belt to hold his death note. And he had wings. Large, beautifully glossy, black feathered wings.

But other than the wings, clothes, and slight increase in height, he looked just like his human self. Beyond Birthday The Shinigami smirked at him.

"I stole the notebook of this shinigami called Ryuk. He had 2, and was going to throw this one into the human world anyway, so what difference does it make? I just wanted to say hi and see how you're doing, but I guess I have to stay. Unless, of course, you give up the death note to me. Or die. Neither of which I would like you to do just yet."

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