Chapter 1: Planted In New Soil

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Rosalinda POV:

I'm sitting in a taxi driving me down to what I'm assuming is my new home... I really wish my parents didn't do this. I wish a lot of things didn't happen, like my parents not being able to take care of me anymore, them going above and beyond to make sure that I was taken care of, and them going out of their way to have someone help them help me. Now I'm moving to a new house because that was the condition of Tougo Sakamaki taking care of me. I'm a tad bit surprised that the most powerful man in japan would even consider helping a low class family, but I guess being his most trusted employee he was glad to help my father in his time of need. You know with everything that's happened to me, first I was a dancer making my way to a great career and then it was shattered because I got Lung Cancer. Even though I've made excellent strides to recovery, I still have issues that came with the Chemotherapy, coughing up blood, feelings of being winded, and not being able to taste certain foods. I look over and see the mansion knowing that this was my stop and that I needed to get ready to leave, once the taxi stops I pay the man generously since he took me from my home all the way here. He helps me get my suitcase and I am left standing at an open gate in front of a gorgeous mansion, slowly and steadily I start walking up to the front door. 

After I knocked a couple times a timid looking blonde girl with a pale complexion and red-ish pink eyes opens the door, "Hello... can I help you," she asks in a somewhat squeaky voice which makes me kind of wince inside. "Um yes... I'm Rosalinda Yuki. I came to live here, the owner of this mansion should've gotten a letter," the girls eyes widen in fright when I say this which makes me confused as to why she's afraid of me living here. "Wait you're going to live here, willingly," I blink even more confused as to why she would ask that, "Um I believe so Tougo Sakamaki told me that I have to. Is there someone else I could talk to about this," she jumps at me saying that, "Oh um yes. I'll take you to the Entrance Hall," she opens the door for me so I can walk in. I look around in amazement at the way the mansion looks, I've never seen something more beautiful in my whole life. The decor and the furniture is so vintage and gothic that I fell in love with it, "Now you can sit here and I'll go get Reiji, he's the most responsible of the brothers. I'm sure he can figure this out," I nod smiling and she runs off leaving me alone with my thoughts. I decided to pass the time by drawing some of the mansion, It's so captivating that I want to capture it, I'm close to finishing when someone clears their throat to gain my attention. I looked up to see a strict looking man in front of me dressed in a very clean cut suit with glasses, purple hair and red eyes. "Oh excuse me," I say putting my things down to stand and bow respectfully to him, "I'm sorry for not noticing you, my name is Rosalinda Yuki. I was invited to stay here by the owner of this mansion," I stand back up with a smile on my face as he stares with strict facial expressions. 

"Yes I was told by Yui here that there was a girl here saying she was living here. I apologize for this but we did not receive a letter stating this," I look down with a playful smile on my face. "Why do I get the feeling my mom forgot to send it to Tougo to send here," I chuckle to myself. "If you'll give me one moment, knowing my mother I have a pretty good Idea on where she may have stuck it," I turn away not noticing the surprise look on the well mannered man's face as I take a peak into my backpack, "Ah there it is. If it was a snake it would've bitten me, here you are," I hand him the letter and he takes it gently to open it. We all stand there patiently as he reads the letter to himself to clear up the confusion. "Mm-hmm this explains everything. Alright, if you may sit down I would like to talk to you and get to know you before I send you to your room, please," I smile bowing in respect before I take a seat crossing my legs. I may be a tomboy but I know what's respectable, "So you're name is Rosalinda Yuki, we've already got that taken care of. Why have you come to live with us," I'm a bit afraid to answer his question because I don't want him to know I've come to burden them with what my parents couldn't handle, don't get me wrong I love my parents very well, but to ask an outside party to help your sick child is uncommon. "Well my father works with Tougo and because of his job I've been kind of cooped up at my house so my parents thought a change of scenery would be good for me," wasn't a complete lie. 

After about 3 questions I suddenly hear what sounds like another male voice, "Fufufu~ so we have another cute human living with us," I blink looking up at the top of the stairs and sure enough another man with bright red hair, green eyes, and a fedora stood looking over the banister. I look up at him quite confused, "Human," I mutter to myself. I squeak when I feel something wet glide up my cheek, "Mmm~ she tastes so sweet... sweeter than Bitch-chan maybe," did he just lick me, I think uncomfortable, "I wanna taste," the other side gets licked by a boy with lighter purple hair and tired purple-ish eyes. "How many times have I told you not to treat people like that," the strict one states fixing his glasses. I take a hanky out of my pocket and use it to wipe my cheek as the ones who lick me sit on another couch, "They always do this," I ask as I watch the strict one sigh, "I'm afraid so," I just shrug knowing it's not gonna change and stuff the hanky back into my pocket. Then another voice chimes in, "Well now Ore-sama has a new one to claim," I look up and see another bright red haired boy with bright green eyes standing in front of me with a smirk on his face, "Ugh enough, I hate it when you call yourself Ore-sama," The one smirking suddenly growls looking behind him at where that new voice could be coming from. "Shut up, Subaru. Come out and say it to my face," I look to my left and see a pale boy with white hair and pink eyes and a scowl on his face leaning against the wall, "I'm already here," he mutters getting the red hair's attention. 

"You all are too loud," a sluggish voice chimes in, we all look over to see the last one a blond boy laying on the couch with one eye open to reveal a baby blue color. "I knew there were a lot of you but I didn't imagine 6. It's nice to meet all of you," I say calmly catching everyone's attention, "Fufufu~ this one's cute and polite, I say I get to keep her," the sound of his voice sends frightened shivers down my spine. "Not gonna happen. Yours Truly saw her first," the 3 of the boys start bickering as I take an exhausted deep breath. "Enough... she's not going to anyone. She is a guest, now that we've gotten that in order, allow me to introduce ourselves. I am Reiji Sakamaki the second oldest," I nod in conformation. "That is Shu the first oldest," he says pointing to blonde hair and blue eyes. "That is Ayato he is the first oldest of the triplets," he says pointing to red hair and lime green eyes, "That is Laito the second oldest of the triplets," I inwardly gag at the perverted red hair and green eyed fedora boy winking at me. "This is Kanato the youngest of the triplets," the tired looking boy smiles creepily at me while hugging a bear close to him which makes me smile back warmly despite how his smile looks. "And lastly, Subaru the youngest out of all of us," the white haired boy just grunts in irritation but I just smile ignoring his anger. 

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