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Berserker says "I've always wanted to join only recently did I realize that I hope to be of use to you" Lord Jashin thinks to himself "Why should I let you live? Why should I allow you to join Despair? But if he joins I can use him to stop the other five Conqueror's as well as to boost the moral of the gang after losing the Ten Despairs The Five Despairs and Madara the moral of the gang has been extremely low" He than says "Welcome to Despair Berserker I have high hopes for you and welcome back to Despair Jasmine I want you to move back into your old room" Berserker says "I have brought a gift" Lord Jashin says "What kind of gift?" At that moment a group of thirteen people enter the room they all take a knee a surprized Lord Jashin says "It's the Ten Despairs the Five Despairs and Madara but where's Savage and Luck?" Berserker says "Luck is with the other Conqueror's and Savage has become a mindless puppet" Lord Jashin grins and says "I want you all to stay here and stay hidden for a surprize attack and I hope you have replacements taking your place in prison" Berserker says "They have not left these are copies of those that have been defeated I can take the place of all sixteen of them because I have surpassed all of them" Lord Jashin says "I hope so now your dismissed" Berserker and Jasmine leave. Lord Jashin says to someone that hasen't been noticed by Berserker or Jasmine "Watch him I want you to keep tabs on that man I don't trust him he seems strange evil don't let him notice you" The person leaves and starts to watch Berserker.

The Conqueror book 3 Despair gangWhere stories live. Discover now