The crown 1

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(This takes place in the 1950s ish and i was inspired by the crown all rights to the creators

(This takes place in the 1950s ish and i was inspired by the crown all rights to the creators

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Prince Christopher of Australia/once and future king 24

Prince Christopher of Australia/once and future king 24

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Belladonna 19


Sarah stood on the balcony waiting for his royal highness to arrive
A car swerving into the driveway of the mansion brought a smile to her face

Prince Christopher got out of his car and made his way to the stairs
He caught a glimpse of her by the balcony making him chuckle

Your majesty "She bowed making him laugh out
They were good friends so it was always annoying for him when his friends bowed to him

He is the Future king

Sarah"He whined pushing her shoulder
She stopped laughing and gave him a break

So how have you been lately?"She started off opening the door

Stressful as always,It's not easy being a prince"He huffed
Sarah stopped in her tracks and looked at him weirdly

I'm serious !"He tried convincing her
All you have to do is sit there look handsome and wait till you get the throne and rule"Sarah weirdly looked at him

Not just that"He slightly got offended
Anyways my little sister may be around here somewhere I think ,I swear I will kill her if she isn't studying "The woman shook her head

Since when did you have a sister"He tried remembering when she ever mentioned her

My fault we don't have the best sibling relationship so I always forget I have one"Shrugging off she said

That's cold"
You wouldn't understand "

She showed him around the mansion he thought of buying for someone

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