CH1:Eddie Spaghetti

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Richie's POV:             
I woke up to my annoying alarm beeping for like ten minutes, I sat up and turned it off, why'd it have to Monday? I walked over to my dresser and picked a decent looking outfit out for today, I went to my closet and changed into this,

Richie's POV:              I woke up to my annoying alarm beeping for like ten minutes, I sat up and turned it off, why'd it have to Monday? I walked over to my dresser and picked a decent looking outfit out for today, I went to my closet and chan...

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I just wanted to hang out with my friends today, (30 minutes later) I finally made it to school, about Damn time! I walk over to my friends to find them talking to the new kid, Eddie Kasbrak, the most prettiest boy I've ever seen.... Wait.. What am I thinking? I don't like him! Do I?.... "Oh hey Rich! Have you met Eddie yet?" Shit.... Bill was talking to me.... "No, I'm sorry for Dozing off again Bill." I wasn't sorry though, hopefully he didn't know I was lying to make an excuse to look at Eddie, "Okay? Well, Eddie,This is Richie, Richie this is Eddie!" Bill smirked, knowing I like boys, "Hey I'm Richie, Richie Tozier" Eddie looked right at me as I stupidly bowed down to him like I was his slave, why'd I do that? He probably thinks I'm a huge idiot now! Even though I was just joking "Richie stop being an idiot! " Ben laughed, I just hope Eddie didn't find that 'Cute' "Hey Richie, I'm Eddie, Eddie Kasbrak!" Eddie is so cute, he then smirked and looked at the floor, "No need to bow, it makes you look stupid" As he leaned against the locker he was standing by, he was right I did actually look pretty stupid, "Whatever you say Eddie spaghetti" I winked at Eddie... I winked.... At Eddie Kasbrak.... I guess I was afraid he'd think badly of me but. Surprisingly, he didn't, he just blushed and playfully punched my arm, Beverly Spoke up after a while, "Jeez you guys just met and y'all already be flirting" Of course she would say that, It's Beverly Marsh, Stanley was in his own world just lookin at Billy, as always, 338 words! I'm impressed for this beautiful story being 10-20 mins long! Hope you enjoyed this chapter

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